how do I generate revenue in a fitness app?

I am trying to help my nutritionist in order to create an app cheaper that can manage clients - reports , and insights about objectives about each patient goals at a lower cost . the application mostly will be able to each patient add measures , diets , and notes , and plus align to a nutritionist knowledge . my problem is what kind of business model can we adopt ? I want to give a free access , and a modern way to gyms , nutritionist , and much more manage their patients goals. however server costs , domain , development costs aren't free , but I want to at least make a cash flow loop even if I don't earn money . the application can be in two forms ( web or mobile ( android , ios ) where personal trainers , nutritionists , and patients can share a common goal without charge money for

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    Free for the users. Charge for the coaches.

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      I was planning to create a fitness app based on my issues as a millennial where I want to document my process , and objectives to some sort of insights , and have peer to peer communication or invite to my progress a sports nutritionist and personal trainer of my choice . however this model can work charge for the coaches , nutritionist in a form of subscription and each new user beyond the limit a low extra fee.

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      +1 this is the way to go

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    Hello! If you are interested in how to make a fitness app and what are the methods of monetization, I recommend reading a very useful and practical article on this topic https://www.cleveroad.com/blog/how-to-create-a-fitness-app/

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