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How do you choose a name for your game?

Personally choosing a name is a big deal for me but for some reason I never feel good about any name I end up choosing.
That’s why I had to create a list of requirements to decide if a name works or not.

  1. Easy to pronounce.
  2. Market availability.
  3. Descriptive of the game/genre/context.

What about you guys?

Do you ask for opinions about your game’s name?
  1. Yes
  2. No
posted to
on October 19, 2020
  1. 2

    For Hexicon, this was my thought process:

    1. It's a word game, so what are words that are related to that?
    2. Vocabulary, word, lingo, spell, lexicon, letters
    3. Lexicon by far was the most "cool-sounding" word there
    4. Once we switched from square grid to hex grid, it clicked
    5. Hex + Lexicon --> Hexicon

    Quite happy with it : )

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