How do you currently keep track of brand assets (logo files, brand colors, etc.)?

Hey there, fellow IH'ers.

I'm working on a tool to help me manage my branding assets more easily.

My hope is that it will provide an easy-to-update design system, but one that's simple enough to be managed by a small team or solo founder.

Right now, I feel like sorting through old files takes up a lot of my time, and I would be much more agile if I had a tool that could help me stay on top of it all- especially as I'm often dealing with various different projects at once.

Would love to know your current setup, even- and maybe especially - if you don't have one.

Here's a few more specific questions:

  • What programs do you use to create your design assets and files?

  • Do you keep them grouped together in Google Drive or Dropbox?

  • How do you like to arrange them (what is priority for you)?

  • How do you access these files most often?

  • What difficulties do you have when trying to manage or use them?

Thanks for reading.

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    I mostly use Figma to create design assets and use a Notion-based client HQ to store and update these regularly. Sometimes I use Github for design files too to get history.

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      Thanks David. Would love to know a little more- do you mind if I follow up by email?

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    Hello Enda,

    I'm actually building a product that amongst other things it'll have just that. Including guidelines etc.
    You'll also be able to manage multiple brands/projects.

    Would you be interested in having a chat?
    [email protected]

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      Hi Joaquim- thanks for the response. Sure, I'll fire over an email now and follow up.

  3. 1

    Hi there Enda! I'd love to know a bit more about what sort of assets you're describing here - I come from a background where clean file structures have actually won us work with new clients so I might be able to help!

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      Hi Meri, thanks for the comment. Sounds great- I might shoot you over an email if you're happy to chat? Would be great to get your insights.

      I'm referring mostly to the core brand files for each product I'm working on: logo (black, white, other), core brand colors, any images or graphics that are frequently used.

      1. 1

        Absolutely Enda! Just pop me an email :)

  4. 1

    Interesting question Enda. We keep it all in a very mundane Windows file system, literally called Branding File. Colour/font cheat sheet is a .psd that I can refer to in Photoshop and logos etc are saved into folders. As Theme Park Portal has grown so have the files/folders and it's getting messy. Would love a tool to manage that!

    1. 1

      Thanks for the kind response Luke!

      This is pretty much the setup I have right now too. It definitely doesn't scale intuitively.

      Would you mind if I followed up with a few questions by email? I'd love to learn a bit more about your situation.

      1. 1

        No problem at all - email is on my profile

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