How do you find, schedule and screen your Guests

Running an interview podcast, you always need new people to interview in the pipeline and also ensure the guests are going to be good. How are you guys handling this? Do you have a process?

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on March 26, 2022
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    Hey Marc! Have you used softwares like PodMatch, MatchMaker, or Guestio to find guests? I use one of these 100% exclusively to find my guests now.

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    I launched a podcast called Start Yourself Up a few months back (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/start-yourself-up/id1609878695) -

    Since I am still early in the podcast arena, I focus on bringing on guests who can speak to areas I am curious about and can answers questions I have assuming there are other people like me who would also want to hear answers to my questions. Linkedin has worked amazingly well for me since my podcast highlights the stories of founders/creatives!

    I have a list of Industries I want to cover in my podcast (Travel, NFTs, Food, Tech, etc.) and find the most innovative and cool companies within each of the fields! Additionally, in order to ensure guests are high quality, I deeply research their credentials and past appearances! It's true that it's very easy to lose listenership with each not so great quality episode, hence growing a podcast at first is not at all easy and requires a lot of consistency which is why always bring guests that interest you and satiate your own curiosity as a host so maintain odds of consistently

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      Hey Salman - just had a listen to your most recent episode. Would love to see if there's a possibility of coming on as a guest - fintech founder here building a platform to solve cross border wealth management across all asset classes. Stocks, crypto, real estate, NFTs etc. Let me know if of interest!


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