How do you get motivated?

Hello everyone! 😃

I have been trying the best I can to stay motivated during these times but it is getting harder and harder. I am currently working on buildfaster.netlify.app which is a website where you can buy easy-to-use HTML themes. I want to keep giving and selling quality themes but sometimes don't feel motivated and sometimes do.

What are your thoughts? 🤔💭

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    Check out:

    I'd love to give this a thorough, personal response, but I've got quite a bit more work to do today.

    Note: I'm far more "motivated" to reply to your post than to get back to work, but I've put systems in place (see the Adams article for more on this) that keep me moving forward on this work regardless of the day-to-day, hour-to-hour, minute-to-minute mood swings that alter my motivation.

    1. 2

      These links are fantastic and I'd probably never have found the last two if not for this comment!

    2. 2

      Wow! Thanks for those resources @channingallen! That helps a ton! 😄

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    Visiting Indie Hacker is a great way to stay motivated, seeing people creating startups and discussions helps me a lot. In times where you feel stressed or bored, it's great to take a break or walk and there you gain a fresh mind to look on things.

    1. 1

      I think the same way! 😄 I love seeing people make progress. Yes, I love going outside to play basketball and go for a bike ride 🏀🚲

  3. 1

    I second the Pomodoro Technique!

    Also, and this might be personal to me, but I find reading survival stories really inspiring/motivating. Eagerly awaiting "Humankind: A Hopeful History."

  4. 1

    Have you tried doing Pomodoros? It seems too easy to believe but here's what happened to me:

    • Days 1 - 3: I get stuff done! New system gets me motivated and I get a lot done.
    • Days 4 - 5: Oh man, total regression. I'm actually doing less work than before Pomodoro.
    • Days 6 - 8: I start to realize that I'm extremely easily distracted. I go off on a tangent at the slight chance. Like I Google the definition of a word and now I'm on Wikipedia reading some random article.
    • Days 9 - *: I now use Pomodoros mostly to keep me on track. My goal is to work according to what I planned. Even if that means something takes 4 pomodoros instead of the planned 2.

    I think you should try that. You'll be basically reteaching your mind to not be distracted easily.

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    Get as fast as possible to your first conversions. Doesn't matter if these are just subscribers to your newsletter without paying for it. Conversion really boosts my motivation.

    And positive feedback from folks here on IH as well ^^

  6. 1

    When feeling disapointed, think about why you start going!

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      That's a nice answer but the problem starts when the reason to begin doesn't seem that important anymore.

  7. 1

    Whatever others said, but also: sports (gym) if possible, meditation (helps to focus), getting enough sleep (works like a charm), and working during the best window in your circadian cycle (mine's during the daylight).

    Talking to others helps as well.

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