How do you invest your portfolio?

This is a little off-topic from B2B tech, but I think indie hackers might have a unique perspective, since most of us don't have corporate 401(k)s or pensions.

I'm building a database of impact investments at VirtueVest.com and I'm curious how familiar indie hackers are with ESG, SRI, and impacting investing concepts? Do you already own these kinds of investments in your portfolio? Or have interest in them?

If you're not familiar with these concepts, impact investing is the idea of combining a financial return with a positive social or environmental outcome. For example, buying a share of a solar farm and earning a financial return while helping reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Up until now, I've focused on a finance-savvy audience, but I'm curious how savvy the general public is about these kinds of things—and especially people that control their own retirement savings/investments.

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on May 2, 2022
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