How do you manage your personal finances?


Like note taking, everyone has a different approach to managing their FINANCES.

How do YOU keep track of it all?

Excel? Pad/Pen? How many different institutions do you bank/invest with? How do you know you're on the right financial track?

Those are things I've been asking myself for a while, and building something to scratch my own itch, (I'm team excel spreadsheet logging into and checking +3 institutions)

I'm working on a financial management app and would love to hear YOUR thoughts.

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    Hey Mikaal 👋

    I’m a big fan of YNAB.

    I’ve used it for a couple of years now and it’s definitely helped me to track my spending across a few different accounts and to build up my savings. I choose to log each transaction manually instead of automating it, as I find it makes me more conscious of my spending.

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      Thanks Auster!

      Yeah YNAB seems pretty well loved. Anything problems you run into using that? Or information you wish it provided?

      Thanks again for responding!

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        No problem!

        Honestly, I don't really run into any problems using it. They make it pretty effortless to track my spending and set up my budgets. That said, I do find I normally plan out my budget in a separate Google Sheet first and also use it to track savings goals.

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