How do you market your Gumroad product page?

I just released my first product for sale on Gumroad; the 'Equity Dilution Calculator'.

I have no idea if anyone would be interested in buying something like this, so I consider it an experiment for now :)

I'm curious how other people who've succeeded with Gumroad have gone about marketing their product.

Have you done a custom landing page for your Gumroad product page?
How have you thought about copy and images?
Where have you promoted your product and how?


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    Here is the core of the problem:

    I have no idea if anyone would be interested in buying something like this

    Since you have no idea if anyone would be interested (let alone buy) this, it is almost impossible to market. Because you aren't targeting any specific part of any market.

    Have you done a custom landing page for your Gumroad product page?
    How have you thought about copy and images?
    Where have you promoted your product and how?

    All these comes after you figure the market out. You need to understand who you are selling so that you can answer above questions. If you don't your marketing will be generic, which would mean your customer acquisition costs will be higher than your customer lifetime value.

    I consider it an experiment for now

    For this to be an experiment, you have to have a thesis. A formulated theorem. Something along the lines of, "I believe [specific group of people], being aware of [their problem], would be interested in [my solution]."

    Without a thesis, it is not an experiment,it is throwing spaghetti to a wall and seeing what sticks.

    It is a shot in the dark.

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      Really good point @gokceozantoptas. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      I guess I'm scratching my own itch as a founder who've been through rounds of investing before, in which case my hypothesis implicit is that other founders going through the same situation, will be in need of a solution like this.

      Question is if the pain is big enough for that audience to purchase a solution, instead of building it themselves.

      With the thread, I was looking for inspiration on which channels other people have succeeded with products on Gumroad.

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        With the thread, I was looking for inspiration on which channels other people have succeeded with products on Gumroad.

        I get that. But the channel is not per product or per store. It is per audience/public/market. The target of your efforts should define the what, the how, the when, through which, etc. Without knowing the target, you can't pull the trigger -- well, you can but the chance to hit reduces dramatically.

        I'd advise doing some customer research. It can be as easy as doing some Google search along with some Twitter/Reddit search. See if people seem to be talking about a need. And if so how. And where.

        Go from there.

        1. 1

          Good advice — thanks!

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