How do you really benefit from Twitter?

I wanted to focus a little bit on Twitter, as I've seen many people exchanging valuable resources. However, I lost quickly interest, as I started to see repetitive content from people using the same hacks to grow their audience and engagement. Now I've been tweeting every now and then just to show up, as I am still learning all about Twitter and how to use it.
But I'd like to see more interesting content in my feed and learn about passionate people that are passionate about their business.

I'd like to have some more meaningful connections, so feel free to connect with me on Twitter and share your journeys with me. I'll be more than glad to connect with the best.


PS: don't mind my amateur Tweets, that probably look no different from every one else's. I'm still learning about this platform

  1. 1

    It's tough because everyone is trying to game the system for a bigger audience.

    My suggestion would be to properly review a user's timeline before you follow them.

    I went through hundreds of timelines and created a list of those which were mostly posting about product instead of personal/content/threads: https://twitter.com/i/lists/1611987662856155139

    1. 2

      oh thank you, i'll check out the list

  2. 1

    Same here, but its not only a twitter thing. I see the same thing in linkedin. Anyway happy to connect.

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