How do you use Instagram ?

How do you use Instagram ?

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on July 21, 2020
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    I mostly use instagram to find and network with contemporary artists, then share their work on my own page at https://www.instagram.com/the.kash.collection/?hl=en . Not sure that's of much use but happy to talk about how I grew to 38,000+ followers organically over the last few years

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    Hi there! I use Instagram to run my page related to the Características de la prueba CPS. I primarily use it to share information, updates, and interesting facts about the test. Additionally, I use Instagram to connect with individuals who are interested in the CPS test and to engage with my followers through comments and direct messages. Overall, I find Instagram to be a great platform to showcase my passion for the CPS test and to connect with like-minded individuals.

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    We are using instagram to create a close knit group of followers before launching our product publicly. We have created a company account that reposts all relevant content to our business/product (we are creating a fitness product, so it's fairly easy to find good fitness content to repost.

    Engaging with the fitness community on isntagram and staying active on other's posts has proved to help us grow in followers over the past month, even before launching our product (which hopefully will be unique enough to get traction on its own).

    That's been our path so far, hoping to keep leveraging instagram more in the future!

    Our page: https://www.instagram.com/animalhousefit/

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    I listen to customer experience podcasts and I use Instagram to share the main points of each episode. You can check it on https://www.instagram.com/mundocx/.

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