How do you use Roam Research?

Over the weekend I was getting my head into Roam Research.

If you use it as an indie hacker, how do you use it?

And how has it helped you?

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    As a follow up question I would love to know why Indie Hackers choose Roam over Notion and vice-versa. I have been using both for a little while to see what I like better and they both have some really great aspects. It does drive me a bit nuts that Roam doesn't have an app yet, but I do love the way it connects information and love seeing it on a graph.

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    I read and listen to a lot of books and drop critical thoughts there. I also drop other beautiful content and quotes from online (blogs, tweets, etc.). Then I try to string together threads of thought by linking specific words and organising things subsequently.

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    Roam Research is free?

    I remember visiting roam research website and couldn't figure out much but was presented with a subscription page.. that was my drop off point

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      You can get a 30-day free trial, I believe.

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    Mostly article and blog post annotations and PKM + generating ideas for output and own writing.

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    You may find this knowledge base useful: https://www.roambrain.com/
    And here's an intro blog post by Nat Eliason: https://www.nateliason.com/blog/roam, who also has a more detailed course.

    I used Roam for a bit as I was building out my own knowledge management system, went with my own solution for more control over my workflows.

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      Just checked out your solution and looks very cool. Just requested early access.

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    I'm using an alternative to Roam Research, Obsidian to build my Zettlekasten. I saw a lot of content by @nateliason, but what me finally start doing my own is the Curtis McHale Youtube chanel and books "How to Read a Book" and "How to Take Smart Notes". I just started, but very excited to embark on this journey.

    Obsidian Graph

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    I don't use it myself but if I did, I would build my "Zettelkasten" there. Right now I do it in Notion and I am not going to switch for the time being — but in the future who knows!

    This is a wonderful post that explains what a Zettelkasten is and how to do it with Roam.

    I have been doing it to be able to write my newsletter constantly, and has done wonders to me 😊

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      Also as a personal CRM is a fantastic use case, see here

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    Why did you start using it? I’ve struggled with connecting to the value add of the solution despite seeing the name often.

    What was your “ah, this is my current pain point and this is how Roam might solve it”?

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    @rosiesherry I had honestly never heard of it. Thanks for the tip! I'm a sucker for writing tools.

    In the spirit of quid pro quo, if you've never checked out OmmWriter, it's really interesting. Headphones are a must though! Peldi from Balsamiq turned me onto it. :)

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      Thanks, will give it a look. :)

      1. 1

        Absolutely, Rosie! = )

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