How good is Glen Allsopp SEO Blueprint 2 Course? It's ending in 20 hours.

Just received an email from Glen of detailed.com that his SEO Course course will close the doors for entry in less than 20 hours.

Being sold for $597, is it worth grabbing?

posted to
on April 11, 2023
  1. 1

    Hey Nitesh, I don't have specific experience on the course, but what exactly are you missing out on learning? Given the number of resources out there on youtube etc.

    Are you learning it for your own side project?

  2. 1

    Hi Nitesh,

    I promise I wasn't searching the name of my own course and definitely didn't come across this on the first page of Google search results.


    If you want honest feedback on our training, we RT a lot of nice mentions over here: https://twitter.com/seoblueprintcom

    I don't think I've ever asked for anyone to tweet about the course :)


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