How has the covid-19 changed your way of life?

I am lucky to be in Taiwan, one of the very few lesser hit countries in the world. I believe as of today, we only have some 400 cases and 6 deaths. Also no local cases in the last 16 days or so.

My life has been pretty much the same, except now wearing a mask is required on all public transport. Also, since I quit my job and have been working on my own startup, a dating app StepUp, I pretty much work anywhere as I please.

Would like to hear all your stories on how this pandemic has affected you. How did it change the way you work? How are you rethinking about life/career? What are the first things you would do once this is over?

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    Staying at home day-in and day-out has allowed me to work on what I love, which is writing about everything I've learned in my web development journey: joshternyak.com. I also have been not going to school at all, which I LOVE. I have the freedom of spending my time on being productive and getting lots of awesome work done.

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      That is awesome Josh! How do you manage to stay efficient and motivated on your projects? When I stay at home for too long, I start getting antsy...

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        I manage to stay efficient and motivated by taking breaks often. I drink lots of water and go for runs and walks. I also am lucky enough to love what I do.

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