How has your Bitclout experience been so far?

I've been on Bitclout for about 10 days, and it has been super interesting.

After a long time, this feels like a consumer product that hit product-market fit super early. Users are willing to put up with bugs (missing notifications), lack of features, limited UI/UX.

Would love to hear your experiences and why you like it or why you don't like it?

  1. 2

    I love it

    1. we've made friends and found partners to build things together
    2. we launched 2 products for BitClout, which's exciting and a bit profitable
    3. one of them is JobClout — to find or post a job paid in BitClouts
    4. second is the OhMyClout telegram bot to track coin movements and more
    5. we trade and earned $bitclouts
    6. we work 25/7 and it's super fun and productive
    7. we made Russian-speaking media ProBitClout and write articles about BitClout every day
    8. we learned a lot from each other in different areas
    9. it's a nice reason for really valuable networking across industries and countries
    10. the environment is cozy and highly competitive — products spring up like mushrooms
    11. I support artists and other creators, everybody is holders of each other
    12. it's just awesome


    1. 2

      Just followed you as @cloutexhibition! My personal one is @alexandrak

      1. 1

        followed cloutexhibition long time ago, now your personal one :)

    2. 1

      Love! Gonna shoot you a follow.

  2. 2

    Definitely buggy, but everyone seems very excited and willing to deal with it, which is a great sign!

    I'm very excited about the platform and see great potential for the future, still lots to work out, but that's part of the fun for me.

  3. 1

    I like how supportive the people there are, but it feels like a reverse Fight Club sometimes:

    The first rule of BitClout is that you have to talk about BitClout

    The second rule of BitClout is that you have to talk about BitClout

    And it's hard to find other topics...

  4. 1

    Very buggy at the beginning, but it keeps improving fast.

  5. 1

    I've met the best people in the past 10 years!! We have an awesome community and are building an exciting project. Check it out www.cloutexhibition.com

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