How I made $4982 on this new productized service in 40 days.

I've made $4982 on a new productized service.

But, a month ago I had 0 customer, 0 team, 0 idea how to do this.

Here's how I kickstarted the service from scratch in 40 days.

The Genesis of an Idea

I launched PressPulse .ai in October as an AI that finds PR/backlink opportunities for you and grew its MRR to $700.

When my second-ever user churned he told me he didn't have time to pursue those opportunities.

He'd pay 10x if we could just solve the problem for him.

So I experimented with a productized link-building service for DR50+ backlinks on top media outlets. I wrote about this experiment a month back too.

However, the challenges are:

  1. I need to hire a team to help deliver this service
  2. I need to have customers so I can afford a team

Overcoming the Chicken-and-Egg Dilemma

Step 1: Sourcing Talent

The journey began with a dive into Upwork. I sought freelancers willing to work on a results-based compensation model in exchange for a long-term work opportunity.

This removed the risk from me and my customers. This is also a great way to understand the market and how to position my service.

Step 2: Acquiring Customers

The next hurdle was acquiring customers to justify and finance hiring a team. By offering the service at cost (probably at a loss actually), I sold five spots sold in four hours to 300 people who have tried my AI previously.

A cherry on top is when a customer paid with a link in the email a week later at an increased price, which brings me to 7 customers total.

Step 3: Quality Control and Delivery

Distributing the initial orders among 7 different freelancers on Upwork, I aimed to gauge the quality of work and reliability of each. The freelance world is filled with variability in quality, this ended up being the most time-consuming but also most crucial step.

After lots of trial and error, including navigating scams and underperformers, I identified 3 writers capable of delivering the high-quality work my clients expected. They ended up delivering all the work. Then I onboarded them with my AI to provide a unique advantage in our offering.

Step 4: Scaling Up

The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. By demonstrating the value of our service with these initial deliveries, 2 of the 6 clients signed on for a $1.2k package, and an additional client from Twitter brought our presale total for this service to $4.8k.

This early success provided the momentum and capital needed to expand.

Step 5: Official Launch

With a more refined offering, real results to show, and a team ready to go. I'm officially launching this service today to the world today.

The first 5 customers gets one DR50+ link for free with any purchase. If you are interested check it out here.

on March 19, 2024
  1. 2

    I freaking love this. Productized services are literally mind blowing for me because it’s a freelancing spinoff, I love it.

    I also want to extend an invite to checkout productizedsearch.com, I’m starting to get really good traffic and will be starting the blog soon!

  2. 1

    Congrats. That is freaking awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  3. 1

    What approach do you plan to take to expand your business and attract more clients? I also operate a services-based business and would appreciate hearing your insights.

    1. 1

      I get free clients from my SaaS's newsletter, so CAC is practically 0

      1. 1

        Thanks for your valuable answer

  4. 1

    What's your strategy going to be to scale your business to say 50 clients? I too run a services business and would like to get your inputs.

    1. 1

      I get free clients from my SaaS's newsletter, not sure if I want 50 clients yet unless I find help to run this service

      1. 1

        Oh that's nice. Can you please share the link to your newsletter? and when did you start it?

  5. 1

    Interesting! I didn't realise there were folks on Upwork willing to work on a results basis. I might entertain using that platform more often if there are less risky options - I've had to suffer bad quality there far too many times.

  6. 1

    This seems like a great service! I used TheHoff, back in the day, very similar. I am curious: how did you market your work? Is it on the old-school forums?

  7. 1

    Woah, this is epic.
    So many things stuck out to me:

    He'd pay 10x if we could just solve the problem for him.

    So incredible for a customer to casually mention that. Love that you took action from it.

    I sold five spots sold in four hours to 300 people who have tried my AI previously.

    Market demand in action! Amazing. So many of the right people looking to have their problem solved.

    I hadn't heard of this, so will get it listed on ProductizedHQ as soon as we finish up our rebuild, thank you for sharing! Looking forward to future updates.

  8. 1

    Great work!! I completely understand your dilemma and since I am interested in that service I will check out your business

  9. 1

    Awesome story man! What are your plans for scaling them beyond Upwork?

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