How important is your brand to you, even if you are not Red Bull?

Hello Hackers!

As the title says, I'm wondering how much emphasis you put in the value of your (small or not) project(s) brand.

This question is related to what I'm building right now, but instead of explaining my product and how I intend to solve the problem, I would love to get some feedback with a unbias/influenced opinion if you are able to be gracious enough to spend your time on this.

To clarify, when I say "brand" is not so much your brand kit/guidelines or copyright but instead, the perceived importance it has to you, on your own project(s), and of course to others.

To give a short example:
Think of Red Bull or Apple. Each massive on their own industry.

But to me:

  • Red Bull's brand has way more weight, importance, or influence than the drink they sell.

  • While Apple has the biggest brand loyalty the world has ever seen, it started by building great products while now it leans itself on amazing marketing vs the products or innovation.

Thank you once again for your time.

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