How is everyone doing in the pandemic?

How is everyone coping with the pandemic in regards to your emotional and physical wellbeing?

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    Not good, but I recovered. I had a little stress, and I added a few extra pounds, nothing new. But I believe that many of us face challenges that can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Public health actions, such as social distancing, are necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19, but they can make us feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety. That's what I felt. However, I tried to find my activity and started writing my diary, which you can find here https://talbotorm.livejournal.com/365.html. To get rid of this emotional burden, I advises you to do what you like, as long as you are isolated in the house.

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    As it all started I was really depressed. I am an extrovert and cannot live without friends and communication. My wife had ran away from me just a few months earlier. I got to the dating website https://www.igetnaughty.com/ and started chatting with girls just for fun, to keep me out of stress. Now I plan to ask a few of them out. Who knows, maybe something good will get out of it?

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      I am sorry to hear about that

      That's gonna take some time to get over it but things are looking up for you

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