How the expected crisis will affect online retailers?

Did you know that over 87% of shopping journeys start online now?

Well, at least that was before the coronavirus outbreak. Now, with social distancing and countries being in lockdown, it has gone up.

Obviously, the virus is changing the ways of doing business.

So, how the expected crisis will affect business for retailers?

Every day we hear about the predictions about the effects that coronavirus will have on the global economy. There is no country that hasn’t already started devising measures to help its economy with the aim of mitigating the consequences as much as possible.

Measures most often involve a number of subsidies for those sectors most affected by the situation – but since there is no free lunch, a global recession is expected. The only difference is the extent to which countries will be affected by the recession.

In the case of retailers, the purchase price can be expected to increase, as well as the operating costs. Therefore, it’s not hard to guess that the competition will answer by increasing the prices.

What do you think? Would love to hear your thoughts!

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