How to approach customers? (Chefs/Bakers) and ask money in these hard times ?

Hey IH! I started helping a friend that went jobless because of the COVID.

He is a chef who can cook amazing stuff ! So I built him a website (https://www.kokito.app/chefrapurodriguez/). Where he can receive orders and people will pick them up.

Now I feel I should approach more people with this very specific need (can cook or bake and want to sell their products) and help them.

As a programmer, I've never done anything related to sales, and I find myself procrastinating hard (or coding more), just to avoid talking to customers.

I wrote these questions in hope I can start finding a path into how to make this into a product or business.

1) How to approach potential clients ? (I've shown the app in parties and with friends, but I feel I should show it to people who are more neutral and can give harsh feedback and even pay something fair from it)

2) Where do these people (Chefs) hang out ? (Everyone says social media, Instagram, Facebook groups, but I don't even know what to write to them)

3) Do you know any chefs/bakers? who would benefit from a tiny website to show their products and manage their orders ? (Maybe I can lend a hand to someone you know and that'd be dope :))

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