How to attract contributors and building a small community around an open source product

Im interested in learning more on how to build a small community around an open source product. Does anyone know any good resources or material?

I’ve never built a business around an open source product before however I’mb hoping that it can be a great way to distribute the product when done right.

Any thoughts on that?

posted to Icon for group Open Source
Open Source
on December 23, 2021
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    Assess the community factors and enhance your understanding of them; this is precisely what we accomplished with the Haskell language community at buff. ly/47HZoVz

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    Well - my 2c - is that if people find your package useful, they will start contributing eventually, maybe like 1-2% of the users will but that's better than 0.
    I have an OS library for emails, and I get some pull requests a couple of times a year, it's nice - another option is to offer paid bounties (Github sponsor style). It depends, do you want free contributors or something else?

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      Good idea with the sponsorships, might try that along the way!

      I mean, it would be nice to be able to build some kind of flying wheel around discussions/issues/needs so that in that process new “consumers” could discover the package.

      I’m in the same situation as you with some legacy packages, but this time I’m trying to use oss as a way to distribute the paid product. I’ve looked into some licenses and models that might make sense but i need to figure out how to actually start growing interest..

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