How to Build Links to Your Sales Pages

Here's the truth. Nobody wants to link your sales pages.

But you need links for them to rank and drive highly qualified visitors.

So what’s the workaround here?

There are two known ways:

1️⃣ Build content assets that are designed to attract links and then set internal links to your sales pages.

Within this tactic lies two approaches:

Digital PR - where you publish a content asset that appeals to journalists with access to a large audience.

The challenge here is creating content that resonates with these journalists.

But if you pull this off, you get links and traffic.

Link Earning - where you rank content assets like data reports, tools and detailed explanations around a particulat question around your niche.

The content here is much easier to justify since you will see existing content that attracted a lot of links.

But the challenge is to push your own content in the rankings so it can “earn” those links overtime.

2️⃣ Cross-reference your page with current ranking competitors and apply those same links to your page.

Additionally, use the patterns you’ve found from these competitor backlinks to uncover more opportunities you can acquire.

You can build links much faster using this tactic but you can’t scale as effectively as the approaches mentioned above.

3️⃣ Then there’s the third option where you execute both in unison.

Where you build links manually as a short-term strategy while your linkable content assets are building momentum to earn links for you overtime.

There's always a trade-off with these strategies so why not apply both!

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    How about leveraging Parasite SEO by posting articles on other reputable websites?

    Identify and create keyword-centric topics aligned with Google search trends.

    By publishing your articles on renowned websites, you can boost your ranking, attract clicks, and drive referral traffic to your sales pages.

    I suggest focusing on topics that address users' pain points or problems, which your product or service resolves.

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      Great addition @Sitab! Thank you for these suggestions :)

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