How to create double coupons using code?

Hi everyone!

I want to create one coupon code which does two things:

  1. gives 10% OFF on all products in the cart
  2. reduces $30 OFF of the cart amount

How can I achieve this?

posted to
on January 23, 2022
  1. 1

    If you decide to make a purchase in the Amazon store, I advise you not to rush. I found a great money saving opportunity and decided to share it with you. You can use this Amazon coupon to save money. I hope that I was useful to you and you will receive your free coupon for shopping at the Amazon store.

  2. 1

    It's not possible. Even from a math standpoint, both of your requirements could be met only if the cart amount is $300.

    1. 1

      Why not from a math standpoint?
      I want to achieve this:

      1. Customer adds a product of $100 to their cart
      2. Client inputs the coupon once
      3. Client cart gets 10% OFF, so the cart is now $90
      4. Client gets $30 OFF, so the cart is now $60

      So the final price client would need to pay is $60.

      1. 1

        Ah, okay, it makes sense now. So you want to apply the two reductions sequentially (first 10% off of items, and then additional -$30). Nevertheless, as far as I know, it's still not possible to create such a coupon code in Shopify.

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