How to do discover and listen to interesting podcasts?

I want to listen to interesting podcasts from time to time. Not daily, just when I'm driving or vacuuming or such.

But I found it's so crazy hard to find a podcasts on a topic I'm currently interested. I tried Apple Podcast and their search just sucks. Spotify doesn't do its job well either.

None of the solutions looks for words in the podcasts themselves.
Apple Podcasts is also very glitchy and stupidly can't memorize what I was listening to the last time so I have to search from scratch every single time.

Any good players? Services? Whatever that works.

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    Often have the same problem - I usually just ask people that I know have similar interests on Twitter. I usually get a good few suggestions...

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      Thanks! For me, it works too but sometime I just want to be able to search and find right now...

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        I think search in general is a really tough thing to get right. Think about an employee's experience on their intranet - they can search for fellow employees in the employee directory, or maybe through another way as well.

        These days, there are often lots of different search parameters in an application, but it's difficult to perform a "wholistic search". I think people have that issue, too, not just with Podcasts, but other genres too.

        For now, I rely on other peoples opinions. If someone validates it as good, I give it a try. Maybe your product makes it easier for people to give opinions on podcasts in some way? And for others to see how they are rated?

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    Hi Seacat! I'm developing a podcast and would love feedback from founders on what kind of topics you want to hear more about. Our focus is on customer retention. If anyone is interested in sharing your founder story please let me know - [email protected]!

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    I think the thing to do is find topics you're interested in -> people who are experts in that topic -> podcasts that they feature on. Going down the "top n" podcast lists just results in a bunch of mimesis.

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