How to download podcasts to my computer as mp3 files?

Does anyone know of a good way to download podcast episodes to my computer as an mp3 file?

The best way I found so far is using podbay.fm, but it's a bit cumbersome – I have to manually download them one at a time and rename each filename with the episode name (the files download as random letters and numbers like e564f9a2fa6ef1da291de6ded9c6ed27.mp3)

The reason is so I can put them on an SD card to play in my car's audio system on long drives with the family. Sadly, my car doesn't have a way to connect to my phone to its speakers.


posted to
on September 2, 2021
  1. 3

    You can simply open the feed of your favorite podcast(s). Each episode would have a direct link to the audio file in the <enclosure> tag.

    You can probably automate this process if you're talking about dozens of episodes, or just download one at a time but it'd still be faster.

    1. 1

      Wow, that's interesting. So are all podcasts just RSS feeds? I had no idea – I've been just using the podcast mobile app all my life. Thanks so much!!!

      1. 1

        Yup, generally speaking all podcasts are based on RSS feeds!

        1. 1

          Thanks for the info. Totally solved my problem and made my day!

  2. 1

    If you want to download podcasts to your computer as MP3 files, there are a few steps you'll need to follow. First, you'll need to find a podcast you want to download. There are many websites and apps that host podcasts, so you can search for one that interests you. Once you've found a podcast, you can download it by clicking on the download link for the episode you want to save. This will typically start the download process and save the MP3 file to your computer. You can then listen to the podcast using a media player or transfer it to your mobile device for listening on the go. Now you can listen mp3 music from all over the world with the help of https://nuttyapps.com/juice-mp3-paw/ .

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