How to exactly launch "multiple times"?

Launching once on PH doesn't mean anything. I've heard from multiple sources that founders need to launch multiple times.

But how to do that without being spammy?

Say Reddit, for example, should I just copy an old post and publish it again? Product Hunt doesn't even allow reposts unless you've made updates to the product.

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    Can you think of other places that would be interested in your product? Think about it not as a launch to the global ethar of the internet, but launching to a community. You can also launch a version, launch a feature, launch a sale, launch a limited time offer.

    A launch is just a marketing event.

    Some courses or other specific hype based offers follow the launch formula and only sale twice a year but their launch is a multiple weeks-months event (generating pre launch hype and growing it over time, launch, post launch offers)

    You can also launch a rebrand or sub-brand, refocus the offer on a new niche

    Who is a good potential target that you didn't try yet? How can you reach them? What is a good messaging for them? (You can have many landing pages)

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    We are for sure going to launch again once we have a new feature :)

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    Launching once is just the beginning! To keep the momentum going without being spammy:

    On Reddit, mix it up with fresh content and engage with the community.
    On Product Hunt, save your reposts for major updates or new features.
    Each launch is your chance to shine – so make it count! 🚀

    Mary Jean

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    On Product Hunt, you can launch multiple times so long as you have a new/groundbreaking feature.

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