How to find someone for advice on buying a micro Saas business?

Hi everyone,

I'm considering whether it makes sense to buy a small micro SaaS app (basically, a Shopify plugin). I have an engineering background, however, so I am not experienced in assessing whether the price the owners are asking for is good, what the "terms" should be of an offer if I get there, etc.

Any pointers would be appreciated on how to find someone that could provide some consultation services. I am not sure where to start - CPAs and lawyers feel like they're not quite what I need here (although I may need them for other parts if an offer went through).


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    I've never bought a micro SaaS before, but I think a good way to learn how to do anything is to just do it. If the price they're asking for is money you're willing to throw away then go for it.

    Otherwise maybe look for something that costs an amount you're okay with losing.

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