How to generate more leads for your SEO agency without breaking the bank?

If you are an SEO agency owner, you are always thinking of getting more people from Google to visit your site and hit the contact form, right?

That's how you eat your own dog food and prove others "I CAN SEO!!"

Well, this works well when your site is old, has backlinks, has authority and are a favourite of Uncle Google when it comes to SERP results.

What if you are new? What if you don't have a lot of traffic yet want more leads from what's in your plate at the moment?

Let's explore 3 different ways you can generate more leads for your SEO Agency without breaking the bank (and eating your own dog food at the same time)

  1. Create Lead Magnets for your visitors

Take 2 websites

Website 1:

#1 has all the 'extravagant theme', 'about us', 'services', 'contact us' and 'TOS' pages plus generic content which I as a visitor don't really care much about. Hence, 'duh, I am leaving'.

Website 2:

#2 has an average theme, all the pages which even website #1 have (probably with more info) BUT...It has a sweet lead magnet which I CARE ABOUT. What will I do next? I will give my precious email and take that lead magnet and probably book a call with the agency owner to help me with my business.

Be the Website #2 and offer as much value as you can. This way you will gain more from the same amount of traffic that comes to your site (remember, you are still NEW)

  1. Run express SEO Audits on your website: the first step of SEO is to 'AUDIT'. What's going on with a site? does it have backlinks? is the meta data correct or does it even exist?

Traditionally, all these reports are worked out when you get on a phone with your 'prospect' and guess what? YOU ARE NEW AND HAVE LESS TRAFFIC! What should be done here?

Simple, do an automated audit while the user is on the website and deliver it to him/her via email.

If you don't want to bang your head into knowing how to do this, just use tools available out there. Best case: SAVE MONEY and get a lifetime deal so you never have to pay a subscription.

One such tool is MySEOAuditor which helps you in placing a widget on your site and generates leads by automated audits.

It is running a lifetime deal on RocketHub and you can get it for as low as $59

Check them out here: https://www.rockethub.com/deal/myseoauditor

There are other tools too but it will cost you a lot to just have everything (reminder #3, you are NEW!!!)

  1. Contribute to other websites in form of a GUEST/AUTHOR:

This is one of the best ways to build a brand, establish yourself as an authority and generate leads at the same time.

If you are really good at what you do, then write on topics which a business owner might be searching something about on sites like SEJ, Search Engine Land, or other sites.

If a business owner finds you trustworthy enough of helping them out, they will pick your email from that blog or a publication and email you right away (well, here you have a lead)

#1 Doable? YES.
#2 Takes Work? YES.
#3 Results? YES, if you do #1 & #2

Don't forget to use tools like MySEOAuditor as your ally in this pursuit. Let me know what you think!

on March 18, 2024
  1. 2

    Bookmarked, thanks for the tips!

    1. 1

      glad you found it useful.

  2. 2

    Great breakdown of lead generation strategies.

    1. 1

      Yes, not stopping at all!

  3. 1

    What is the best way to accumulate backlinks? Should we only count on the organic user sharing?

  4. 1

    What do you think about static websites. I use Astrojs for all my static sites. I also use Django for my RestAPIs.

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