🎵How to get customers from TikTok?

Hello everyone,

Today I came across this tweet by the founder of Bannerbear:

It actually got me thinking, because I think that lots of tools that we build in the SaaS niche can work really good in viral videos on TikTok, Instagram reels and Youtube Shorts.

Videos like "Websites that feel illegal to know" or "Tools you won't believe exist" usually go crazy on these types of platforms.

I think it would be a good fit for my startup(affistash.com) too, but I'm not sure if I should start to spend money on influencers this soon. I was thinking about trying to get it in videos like this one this one that got 330k likes (https://www.tiktok.com/@the_momtrepreneur/video/7168120858836290858?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7171888747335681542)

Anyway, I'm curious about what you guys think, did you try TikTok marketing for your products? Are you planning to?

posted to Icon for group TikTok
on December 1, 2022
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    I've heard great deal about TikTok marketing but it's banned in my country so I'm thinking of using reels, currently we are promoting in the form of posts on Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

    Our product ruttl, is a website feedback tool so I wonder how I can go about promoting them on reels.

    Do you have any ideas?

    1. 2

      That's actually really interesting, I haven't thought about it honestly. I think what makes TikTok a great place to promote is the fact that it's really cheap, also the good algorithm for viral content, but something like Instagram Reels or Youtube Shorts would definitely do a good job. Although I think the chance of the video going viral is probably much smaller. You can also try to promote it inside Discord Communities if you haven't tried already, it went pretty good for my products. I think it would be a good fit for yours.

      Btw, congrats on #1 on product hunt for your product! I am getting closer to the product hunt launch with my product (affistash.com) as well, so I was wondering if you have any tips? I would obviously love to get a similar result like you got with your startup xD


      1. 1

        Thanks for the tips man, appreciate it!

        Regarding the product hunt launch I actually have a post on IH itself, I'll link it here and hopefully it would be beneficial for you.

        By the way, checked out your product and it seems really cool. Great concept!

        All the best!

        1. 1

          Awesome! I'll make sure to have a look into it. Also, I'm glad you like the product I'm working on, if you ever decide to open an affiliate program for your startup, maybe we can work something out ;)

          Wish you the best!

          1. 1

            Actually we already have an affiliate program, you can check it out here.

            1. 1

              Great, I had a look and it seem really nice! If you feel like you want to get some more highly skilled affiliates to promote/sell your product we could give you a placement on our platform when we launch, you can check it out here or shoot me a message on Twitter.

              Cheers ;)

              1. 2

                Sure, I'll take a look at the details and get back to you.


  2. 2

    IMO, tiktok marketing is underrated and it is a good learning opportunity that on the right niche can drive crazy traffic

    1. 2

      Couldn't agree more! : )

    1. 2

      Thanks for the suggestion Josh! You'll see me there

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