How to get traction as an EdTech company?

I have created an edtech video CMS that uses ClassLink for SSO and rostering. It provides indexing capabilities so that students can review content for exams. I'm still looking for users. Does anyone have any advice on getting users in the edtech space? The current product is located at https://www.myvindex.com. I'm trying to add remnote as a note taking application in my app. I'd really like to start looking at learning science to incorporate things that aren't in edpuzzle or playposit.

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    Wow, found this discussion and I am now at the same struggle. So, did you find something effective during the last two years?

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    How to get traction as an EdTech company?

    If the people you need to reach out to are on LinkedIn...then your job is made so much easier.

    Refine your pitch deck and elevator pitch message.

    Use a LinkedIn automation tool to reach out and take it from there

    If not, let me know and I'll get back to you with a better idea

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      • Might want to make your landing page a little better before you reach out to a bunch of people though
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    Good Luck. I'm sort of in the same boat.

    Don't have any nuggets to share that you probably don't already know about though.

    Have you already gone through your social network to get some pilots going?

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