How to implement In-App Messaging?

What are the best ways to build In-App messaging between users and groups?
Are there any SAAS products that offer them or do I have to build it from scratch.
I did find a few but they seem grossly overpriced. let me know your thoughts

SAAS or Build it yourself?
  1. It's hard but I'd build it
  2. It's not that hard. I'd build it
  3. It's hard I use other services to implement this(SAAS)
  1. 3

    Find a simple github repo / some tutorial with similar features and reuse the code.

    Alternatively, develop it yourself with tools for realtime communication like Pusher or https://mercure.rocks/

  2. 3

    I gues it is not hard to do prototype, simple logic with WS or another way.

    Problem will comes when you will scale your app.

  3. 2

    If your priority is to add the feature asap I would go with a SAAS offering. Stream SDK has a decent makers plan. Once you hit those limits you could build your own chat system.

  4. 2

    Implementing in-app messaging can be a game changer for user engagement, as we see in the A-League. Just as the A-League keeps fans on the edge of their seats , a well-integrated messaging system keeps users engaged and engaged within the app. It's about creating a seamless experience that captivates your audience.

  5. 2

    Try SAAS services like PubNub, Pusher, Sendbird . For fancy features, you gotta build it yourself but it costs more.

  6. 2

    If you are a senior software engineer you can built this. However it is hard to create something robust that can be scaled. I don't know why some people say the opposite

  7. 1

    I've come across https://novu.co/ recently. Might be worth checking that out.

  8. 1

    Breaking changes! If wasn't that, I would pick any of the available services. So I build it.

  9. 1

    Not worth it don't do it.

  10. 1

    What's your tech stack of choice?

    1. 1

      Currently Nuxt. Will work with Flutter in the near future as i go mobile

      1. 1

        Would recommend trying flutterflow! That's where I'm building as of rn

  11. 1

    What is your tech stack?

    1. 1

      Currently Nuxt. Will work with Flutter in the near future as i go mobile

      1. 3

        Given that (Nuxt + Flutter), IMO, you're better off doing it yourself. Its really not that hard (source: worked on fb messenger, ran a indie second phone app etc..).

        The hard parts around building a messaging system is UX and scaling. Since you are targeting multiple platforms, you will have to do most of the UX yourself. As for scaling, it takes a really long time to hit scaling issues and most of them have clear paths to resolve.

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