How to price a newsletter sponsorship?

I have launched fullremote.it in January and is gaining some traction. It's a weekly newsletter with a curated list of job posts for italian remote software developers.

Some numbers:

  • 714 subscriber (+73 in the last 7 days, so hopefully 750+ by the end of the month)
  • ~75% opening rate (sent 7 newsletters already)
  • Topmost links are clicked ~40 times

I have already requests to sponsor the newsletter (companies are asking me to insert job posts) and I was wondering how to price those ads.

Here is a newsletter example


I sure have to work on the template, but that's the structure: some words about the company, list of links to ads.

My idea was to ask 99€ for a "block" with max 3 ads and some background color to make it stand out.

A friend of mine was suggesting to charge something like 39.99€ per single ad...

Open to change prices and to more ideas, but what do you think could be the right model? Single ad pricing or block pricing?

  1. 1

    check what a click would cost in google ads ,you have 40 clicks so you know the price

    1. 1

      Makes sense, but I don't know... What if I can ask for more? I have to find a sweet spot in between...

  2. 1

    Coming up with the pricing is always hard. I recently just doubled the price of my entrepreneurs community and I am thinking now that it might have been a mistake because it seems that the conversion rate is much lower now... One great tip a friend gave is to price your product based on the value it brings to the clients rather than how much it costs you to build it and maintain it.

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