How to start learning no-code tools as a non-technical founder?

I want to learn no-code tools to build fun micro-side projects.

I have a ton of ideas but struggle with building as I am a non-technical founder.

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    I think you should try learning the most basic research and development technologies, such as: HTML, CSS, JS, Node.js, MongoDB, Git. It takes about a year to complete these, and they can bring you a lot of benefits. After having the basic front-end and back-end engineering skills, you can use no-code tools and other service APIs to build more comprehensive business software. Because the cost of learning a no-code product from scratch and building software is not low, but its limitations are significant. I have benefited from my two years of self-taught coding. Perhaps you can start with no-code tools first, but continuous learning of programming engineering skills can benefit you in the later stages.

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      Thanks for this

      Have really been confuse if maybe with learning no code like like Bubble, and I will be good to go for any project or will I still need to learn programming language.

      I think I can see the difference between the two clearly now

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      Thanks for this. I have been confused about learning programming languages instead of Bubble so this can been helpful.

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    Hey Mei, check out 100DaysNoCode. They have a fun and easy way to learn building micro projects through using various tools.

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    The best way to learn is by doing. Come up with a project idea (nothing too big at first) and let that guide your learning.

    Don't waste your time watching lots of videos or reading lots of books or documentation. Read and watch just enough to get started, then dive right in.

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    First congratulations. You have ideas of what you're going to build. Seems stupid but it means you found problems to be solved. Something I'm working on right now.

    Can you tell more about the type of project you're trying to build without revealing your idea?

    This will help people
    1/Understand what you're trying to build
    2/Figure out what could be an MVP
    3/Lead you to the right nocode tools

    If you have multiple ideas. 1/In one column rate out of 10 how much you like working on the idea. 2/ In a second column rate on 10 how big the number of people it can help 3/Mutiply ratings and tell us about the biggest rating idea.


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    I've been there. The best and simplest advice I can give you is to take it one project at a time.

    I know there's probably an amazing ambitious idea you want to build, and I'm sure you will be able to, but you have to understand that getting the skills necessary to build it by yourself takes time. And this time investment makes it difficult to stay on track learning. I would suggest you take it one project at a time, instead of building an entire marketplace for your first project, maybe start with a simple website with one product.

    And keep incrementally increasing the complexity of the project over time until you can build whatever it is you want to build.

    No code tools are great, but they also have a learning curve, I've tried out bubble and If you're cool with paying the high monthly price it's pretty decent

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