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How top founders, freelancers or indie creators leverage podcast as a sales engine?

Are you using podcast to build a following and ultimately sell your service/products?
Well I'd tell you that publishing podcast into a void won't work. Imagine you publish new episodes each week, promoting it on social media and at the end not knowing who is listening to it.

I have created a very short free guide (7 pages), in which I shared how creators/freelancers like Azhelle Wade aka are building an interactive relationship with their audience through audio newsletters and benefit the relationship in selling services or products?

You can find the e-book here:

After reading the guide, let's discuss the topic more below in the comments section.

posted to
on October 9, 2021
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    P.S. I recently found out @annadante's audio newsletter and was really inspired by how she is monetizing it + building an email list of listeners.
    Anna, I would love to hear your comments about this.

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