How we consistently close $10k+ web design projects from cold outreach (Framework included)

Hey Dudes & Dudettes πŸ‘‹

After you've all found value in our cold email process that helped us land our first $15k client, it's time now to share our sales flow.

This is the exact framework we use to communicate with our prospects and close $10k+ web design deals.

It's worked for us, but you may have to adapt a bit.

With that said, if you go into this guide thinking you won't be able to land a client by following this framework, you're right. You probably won't.

But if you believe that this framework can help set up a similar process to land consistent clients, then you're right. You probably will.

So here it is πŸ‘‰ Notion link: https://unimaio.notion.site/How-we-consistently-close-10k-web-design-projects-from-cold-outreach-d5da15d870034031943a74cb5630529d

We're here to share our process so that you can carve out your own style of doing sales. So Good luck πŸ€

And I would love to hear from you when you use this process. If you have any questions, just drop a comment and I'll get back to you. Just so everyone can read it and learn.

(And again, I don't have any lead gen or email marketing services to sell you πŸ˜€)

posted to
on February 14, 2023
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