How we gained 20,000 visitors in 4 months without spending a dime on marketing

Ever dream of attracting over 20,000 visitors in 4 months without spending a dime on marketing? Sounds good, right?


Well, we did it, and we're here to share our story from bootstrapping newbies to SEO ninjas. Our journey wasn't exactly smooth sailing, with two product pivots, countless late nights, and enough self-doubt to fuel a rocket. But hey, the struggle is real, and we learned some epic lessons along the way.

I'm Berkay, and back in the day I was a brand manager at Unilever and L'Oreal, crafting campaigns that made heads turn. But the startup world turned the tables. Budgets vanished, and suddenly, SEO became my worst enemy — a confusing labyrinth with no map.

"Time is money," I grumbled, "SEO takes forever!" But then, fate intervened. A Product Hunt launch, some newsletter love, and boom! Traffic surged, proving the SEO wind could propel our startup sailboat after all.

Here's how we ditched the fear, embraced the grind, and unlocked the power of organic traffic:

The Free Tool Gambit:

Forget the MVP grind! We decided to unleash Adsby, our AI-powered Google Search Ads generator for marketing newbies. But before throwing it into the wild, we dropped a Free AI Keyword Generator.

This baby went toe-to-toe with the big boys like Ahrefs and Semrush, snagging the 22nd spot for "Keyword Generator", maybe the most difficult keywords in the world. This SEO win became our traffic magnet, fueled by backlinks and newsletter mentions.

Small Wins, Big Impact (and a Boost from OpenAI):

Remember, every win counts! We followed up with Marketing GPTs, a suite of AI tools tackling everyday marketing woes. While each launch didn't trigger a tidal wave of traffic like the Keyword Generator, they all contributed valuable data and insights, helping us refine our approach and understand user needs.

In a bonus twist, OpenAI's launch of their GPT Store proved serendipitous. Our GPTs were included, and not only did they send us traffic directly, but OpenAI's high domain authority provided powerful backlinks, further boosting our SEO efforts.

This experience solidified our belief in the power of targeting specific pain points. Even if a tool or product doesn't become a runaway success, it can still bring valuable lessons, data, and connections that contribute to your overall journey. And who knows, you might just find yourself benefitting from unexpected partnerships and opportunities along the way!

The Art of the Pivot (and Why We're Glad We Did):

We weren't always good at SEO. The Free AI Text Generator came a bit late to the party, facing steeper competition.

But we didn't sulk! We embraced the lesson, solved another pain point, and kept the traffic flowing.

Content is King (and Queen, and Google's Best Friend):

But our SEO journey didn't stop there. We realized the power of creating valuable content for our target audience. That's how our blog was born, launched alongside our first Product Hunt campaign.

We have spent very very little money, built a WordPress blog, boosted with Yoast SEO plugin. We focused on writing articles that addressed the specific pains and problems of our ideal customers, providing actionable solutions and helpful insights. We religiously followed SEO best practices, optimizing our content for relevant keywords and using tools like Google Search Console and Trends to track performance and identify new opportunities.

Consistency is Key (and We Write Every Night):

We didn't wait for inspiration to strike. We knew that regularly publishing high-quality content was crucial for building trust and authority with our audience, and for ranking higher in search results.

So, we made a commitment to write and publish new content every night. It wasn't always easy, but the results spoke for themselves: Google loves content creators, and our consistent efforts fueled our organic traffic growth.

Adsby Awaits: The Main Event is Here!

Now, in low season, 300-400 weekly visitors buzzing around our free tools and blog, we're ready to unleash the beast — Adsby.co! This bad boy empowers marketing newbies to generate killer keywords, write catchy ad copy, and optimize their campaigns with AI.

But the story doesn't end here!

We're gearing up for another Pruct Hunt launch, and we'd love for you to join the ride. Wish us luck, Indiehackers! And hey, if you have any SEO wisdom to share, hit us up in the comments!

P.S. We're still polishing Adsby, so if you're an early adopter, we'd love your feedback!

posted to Icon for group Growth
on February 19, 2024
  1. 3

    “Enough self-doubt to fuel a rocket” is an all-world line. 👌🏼

    1. 1

      yeah, it's super cool :)

  2. 2

    Absolutely inspiring, Berkay! Your SEO journey from the ground up is a playbook for all of us here. Can't wait to see Adsby in action on Product Hunt. I've got it bookmarked for a closer look. Best of luck, and keep those insights coming

  3. 2

    Hi Berkay, congratulations on achieving such impressive traffic growth without a marketing budget! Your strategy of leveraging SEO, creating free tools, and focusing on valuable content is truly inspiring. Can you share more details on how you identified the specific pain points to target with your content and tools? Additionally, how did you measure the impact of these initiatives on your traffic growth, and what tools or metrics did you find most useful in this analysis?

    1. 1

      Thank you! Here's a bit more detail on our approach:

      • Deep Understanding of Our Ideal User: We spent time outlining our target persona's daily struggles within digital marketing. This helped us pinpoint specific pain points our tools and content could address.
      • Tools to Track Progress: We heavily rely on:
        Google Search Console: To see which keywords bring organic traffic and where we rank.
        Google Analytics: To understand user behavior and see how free tools lead to conversions.
        Mixpanel: (Taking advantage of their startup credit) to track in-product engagement and how our free tools drive interest in our paid product.

      Additional Tips:

      Keyword research: Free tools can help surface the exact terms your ideal customers are searching for. Try ours, free keyword generator.
      Communities: Online forums and relevant subreddits can reveal common pain points users discuss.

      Hope this helps! Feel free to ask if you have more questions.

  4. 2

    Wow, journey from brand manager to SEO ninja is truly inspiring! His innovative approach to leveraging free tools and content creation for organic traffic growth demonstrates the power of perseverance.

    1. 1

      Thank you so much! It's been a wild ride, and I'm still learning every day. Always excited to share what works and what doesn't!

  5. 2

    Great post! This gives me more trust in going to blog instead of social media hustle. Providing more value and being found instead of DMing thousands of people who don't want to achieve what I'm providing. :)

    1. 2

      Couldn't agree more! It's all about delivering the value your audience needs, in the way they prefer seeking it. Content & SEO can be powerful for those seeking solutions 💪

  6. 2

    An adventure I am proud to be a part of 🥃

    1. 2

      Cheers to you too! 🥃 This adventure wouldn't be the same without you. I'm so grateful to have you on board. Here's to many more exciting chapters! Next time, you will share the upcoming episodes...

  7. 2

    What an inspiring and impressive post! Thank you.

  8. 1

    Wow, what an impressive feat! Achieving a surge of 20,000 visitors in just four months without investing a single penny in marketing is simply remarkable.

    This accomplishment speaks volumes about your resourcefulness, creativity, and ability to leverage organic growth strategies effectively.

    It's a testament to the quality and value of your content or product, as well as your adeptness at engaging your audience and driving traffic through word-of-mouth, social sharing, SEO, or other innovative methods.

    Your achievement not only demonstrates your savvy approach to growth but also serves as an inspiration to others in the realm of digital marketing. Keep up the phenomenal work!

    1. 1

      Really appreciate it! It wouldn't be possible without an amazing team and a supportive community.

      1. 1

        thanks and I believe, keep up the good work!

  9. 1

    @sberkay Hi Berkay, congratulations on your success.

    I am curious about how you promoted this tool to your users. Can you please share your marketing methods for your Free AI Keyword Generator?

    Thank You

    1. 2

      The Product Hunt launch was definitely key for visibility. But to keep that traffic flowing, we strategically targeted newsletters that aligned perfectly with our audience. It's been all about finding the right channels, not just blasting our tool everywhere. Lastly, it's free, everybody loves free tools :)

  10. 1

    we are ranking our websites without spending on marketing and ranking on same day of article publishing, we used our strong internal linking hub and the strongest keyword research and Do Mapping of article (Our own Strategy ).
    We Never spent any penny on Marketing, SEO or Guest posting etc.

  11. 1

    Our success in gaining 20,000 visitors in 4 months without spending any money on marketing can be attributed to strategic content creation. We focused on producing valuable, shareable content that resonated with our target audience. Leveraging social media platforms and community engagement also played a key role, helping us organically reach a wider audience. Additionally, optimizing our website for search engines and collaborating with influencers brought in organic traffic, contributing to our remarkable growth without a marketing budget.

  12. 1

    Good post! Can you share more about the results of your content writing efforts? Has it resulted in increased traffic and exposure? Are the articles proving useful to your audience? Have you got any feedback on them? Keep up the great work!

  13. 1

    Wonderful information and so inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

  14. 1

    Such a great informative post! Thanks a lot.

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