I bootstrapped an Amazon FBA brand to 1.2 million/year in college. AMA

When I was in college I started an e-commerce brand selling private labeled cell phone accessory products on Amazon.

In January of 2020 we sold the business 4 months before graduating college. After doing 1.2M in sales in 2019 and 110,000 units that year.

Now I'm building brands on Shopify & investing in self storage.


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    Congrats Connor! I am also in the ecommerce (dropshipping) since 2016 and together with a team we are building a Shopify APP (if you are interested in knowing more let me know).

    We have a website that is going really well since last year and we are planning to sell on FBA USA, is it difficult to do so if we are from Europe?

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      Nope! Shouldn't be difficult depending on the 3PL you use (assuming it's going to be FBA). When we moved to europe we needed to focus on VAT tax registration. I'd look into the tax regulations of moving into the US.

      What's your Shopify app all about?

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        Thanks :)

        Video Shopping, we have a platform that anyone can create shoppable video links and will soon launch the platform for Shopify stores so they can embed their video content on their websites and make it shoppable.

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          that's nice to know aleixdet. How it is going on? We have also started a similar platform, but a marketplace for sellers and buyers to have a live video call with each other. We are looking for pre-seed/seed investor or a co-founder ideally coming from a retail domain/expertise/network who can scale up our start-up company

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    Can I start FBA without investing tons of money in India?

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      are you asking if you can start one from india or if you have to invest a lot of money into indian labor?

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        I am from India. I am asking for do we need huge investment for starting FBA in India?

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    What do you think of the growing FBA guru scene on YouTube?

    How much did you spend on advertisement within Amazon to have scaled the business to 1.2M in revenue? I feel like I got lots of revenue, too, from FBA, but end up having a high spend to get there.

    Cheers and congrats on the sale.

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      FBA guru scene seemed to be a big thing back in 2015 when I was starting too. My 2 cents is anyone who is legit on Amazon (the guys doing $10M+) aren't selling courses. And the guys selling courses typically do it because it's more profitable than selling products on amazon with 10% margins.

      We spent almost $0 on ads. We got into a category (stick on cell phone wallets) really early and developed great SEO + reviews.

      hope this helps!

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    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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      Great tailwinds (people buying more stuff). Ton of value add plays (previous owners tracking on pen and paper). And diversified revenue (100's of tenants at one facility vs. 4 on a quadplex).

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