I built a Headless Dropshipping Starter so you don't have to

During the pandemic a few friends with businesses were looking to create some extra income, one of the ideas they had was to buy a bunch of T-Shirts and press their logo on to sell to their fans.

Since they were already tight for cash, I suggested they use a print on demand service like Printful.

A few weekends later and I built a super simple dropshipping starter with Next.js, Printful, and at the time a shopping cart logic library in React.


Since then, a lot has changed. The idea now supports so much out of the box, including realtime shipping prices, taxes, and more.

If you're a developer, or an agency, this will no doubt help you, and your clients launch their merch stores fast!

.... and, even better.... It's FREE!

  1. 1

    man, super crazy what you did. Really. It's the dreams' website for whom have an ecom. It's a huge project. Congratulations bro.

  2. 1

    Let me know what you think!

    1. 1

      I will love to try it, I have been looking to start a print on demand store.

      1. 1

        Awesome! Let me know if you want to talk/walk through it.

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