I built a Twitter Growth secret weapon 🤓

I built Birdy (birdy.so) to help you optimize your Twitter profile with continual automated A/B testing.

Why? More Twitter followers. More website clicks.

I personally feel like I have a secret weapon right now 😅 I'll be posting a case study of my own profile in the near future. It is noticeably increasing my Twitter growth 🔥

I'm a huge fan of Twitter. I started experimenting with the Twitter API to find a product idea and a problem to solve - I eventually landed on profile A/B testing 🥹 Here's the longer version of my backstory.

There are a lot of Twitter tools that focus on the tweets (scheduling, creating, ideation, automation). Not many are focusing on the profile. I want Birdy to be the go-to app for Twitter profile management and optimization 😎

Current MRR: $30

I plan to go far beyond Twitter profile A/B testing, but for now, I still want to make the A/B testing feature as good as it can possibly be to get us the best results 🤩

You can start a 7-day free trial if you want to test it out 🥹

posted to Icon for group Twitter
on July 20, 2022
  1. 4

    A/B testing for Twitter profiles is a very innovative idea!
    I've never seen this idea mentioned anywhere else.

    However it may become a game changer once established👌
    Good luck Maxim✌

    1. 1

      I think so Samuel 😶 Let's see where I can take this idea 🤓

      Thank you 😎

  2. 3

    Original idea, Maxime! Even some of the big boys and girls on Twitter tweak their profile frequently. There are so many eyeballs on it, it's a billboard!

    Best of luck with this phase of the roll-out!

    1. 1

      If you take this Twitter thing seriously, your profile is definitely something to take care of 🤓 I used to tweak my profile all the time, but I didn't really know what effect it had 😅 Now I do 😎

      Thanks Alex 😎🚀

  3. 3

    That's awesome! At least not another Tweet Scheduling Tool, those things are everywhere man hahaha
    A/B testing is an interesting idea.
    Good luck with whatever you are planning next :)

    1. 2

      Thank you dude 😍

      Yes, I think the world has enough great tweet scheduling tools 🤣

      I was looking for a novel idea and I think I found it 🤓

      Cheers! 🤓

  4. 2

    i tried to create twitter account yesterday and already got banned without posting/following anything for suspicious activity :-) . I don't know how twitter will keep growing if it continues to be so hostile! anyways product looks interesting.

    1. 1

      That's crazy 😶 Did they tell you what the reason was? 🤨

      Thanks 😊 It's very unique product, that's for sure 😇

    1. 1

      Thanks Richard! 😊

  5. 2

    Wow, that's a great one.

    1. 1

      Hehe thanks John 🔥

  6. 2

    Good idea man..Keep it up

    1. 1

      Thanks man 😇 Will do 😎

  7. 2

    Congratulations on the launch, Max!

    Birdy could be addressing the need-gap: A/B test social media posts without posting posted on my problem validation forum.

    You're welcomed to explain there about how Birdy addresses that problem, So those who need it can find Birdy easily.

    1. 2

      Hey Abishek! Thank you 😇

      Birdy would not solve that problem as it is focused on the profile rather than on the tweets. A/B testing posts without posting is a cool idea however 👌

      I must also add that this is a really cool forum 🤩

      Thanks for chiming in 😎

      1. 2

        Thanks for clarifying Max, In case you build a solution to address A/B testing posts too then you know where to get your first customers ;)

  8. 2

    That's crazy Maxime, great work

    1. 1

      Thanks Tibo 🤩 You're one of my inspiration 😎

  9. 2

    Congrats Max! Happy to see this post after so much grinding on Twitter.

    Wishing you the very best!

    1. 1

      Thank you Rodrigo 😍

      The grinding is real!!

      Here's to more grinding 😆 Cheers! 🍻

  10. 2

    Glad to see you here Maxime.

    This sounds like such a nice project, with a lot of growth possibilities. I hope to hear more about it's success. Good luck!!!

    1. 2

      Thanks Carlos 😎

      I have a lot of crazy ideas to implement 🤪 I wish there was more time in a day 🤣

      Cheers! 🍻

      1. 2

        You and me both my friend. Whoever comes up with a SaaS to add a couple hours to the day will save us 😂.

        Glad to see you are executing on those crazy ideas and doing it great.

  11. 2

    This sounds really cool! How did you get those first customers, and how long did it take?

    1. 1

      Thank you sir 😎

      The day I publicly announced Birdy on Twitter, I reached out (DMed) to people that had shown interest when I mentioned the idea 😊 On that day I believe I got my first two customers.

      1. 2

        Congratulations! It’s inspiring to see your success! Thanks for the reply as well!

        1. 1

          Thanks Jevon 😊 Not sure about the success part tho, only time will tell 😆

  12. 2

    Best of luck with this! It would be nice to see more features focus on automation.

    1. 1

      Hey thanks so much Alex 😊

      It would be nice to see more features focus on automation.

      Can you elaborate? Birdy is fully automated right now, but I'm curious what other automation you are thinking about 😎

  13. 2

    Best of luck! Good market to be in and much needed product

    1. 1

      Thanks Ric (Ric right? 😄)

      Not sure if it's a good market or not, but I do feel like it solves a pain point 😁 I've heard B2C is a not a good place to be 😆

      1. 2

        Thats right. Too many emotions in play with B2C 😄

    1. 1

      Thank you man 😊💪

  14. 2

    Good luck Maxime!!! Looks useful!

    1. 1

      Thanks! 😇

      It is 😁

  15. 2

    Awesome tool, good luck with it 👍✨💯

    1. 1

      Thanks Madza 🤩 I appreciate the support 💪

  16. 2

    This is a great idea, sir!

    Good luck!!!!

    1. 1

      Thank you sir 🫡

      Now let's see what the market thinks 😁

  17. 2

    Hey Max! Congrats on the launch!

    1. 1

      Thanks Roberto 🥹 One day you will try it! I know it! 🤣

  18. 2

    Congrats for the launch, its a really new idea indeed, and the fact you've got some revenue already says something about the idea.

    Btw, is there a specific reason for 3.19K MRR?

    1. 1

      Thanks Abod 🥹 Yes it's a small validation! It makes me think that I'm onto something 😎

      3.19K is the MRR I need to live off of my software according to my calculations 😆 (expenses, + heavy income taxes in Canada 😶)

  19. 2

    Congrats bro,
    Always great and new ideas comes from humble people, and I am lucky that I have been there from the beginning of this great project, just keep going and as you said "DO NOT QUIT".

    1. 1


      You know it bro 😯

      There is only one rule: DO. NOT. QUIT.

      Thank you so much for being part of the journey 😎


  20. 2

    Congrats on the launch, Maxim!! So excited to try Birdy 😎

    1. 1

      Thank you so much Khairallah 🤩

      Real launch will be on PH, but I'm glad to share Birdy with the IH community 😊

  21. 2

    Congratulations on the launch Maxime! Landing page is looking crisp 🔥⚡️

    1. 1

      LFG Pere 🤩

      Thank you 😊🙏

      Just need to fix the quality of the screenshot images and I'm good 😎

  22. 2

    Great to see Birdy on the rise, Congrats on the launch buddy!!

    1. 1

      Thanks Mayank 🤩 This is just the beginning 😁🙌

  23. 2

    Love how the landing page looks compared to the previous one, Maxime. Congrats on the launch 🤩

    1. 1

      Thank you so much Goutham 🤩

      I wouldn't consider this a launch (maybe a soft launch 😁)

      Real launch in a couple of weeks/months on PH 😶


  24. 2

    This looks something quite diff and interesting as compared to other twitter tools out there.

    Good luck Maxime 👍🏻😀

    1. 2

      It is 🤓 I couldn't just build another Twitter scheduling tool 🤣

      Thanks dude 😎

  25. 2

    Rooting for you Max! Cannot wait to see where you take Birdy 🤩

    1. 2

      Weeeheeee! Thanks Daniela, it means a lot to me 🤩

  26. 2

    So awesome, Maxime! I’ve been following your journey and can’t wait to see what’s next for you and birdy.so!

    1. 2

      Thanks Lee Ann 🥹 I got big plans 🤩

  27. 2

    Good job Maxime! But this is just the start!

    1. 1

      Yes it is 😶 Thank you 😎

  28. 2

    Awesome project, looking forward to your case study 👌

    1. 1

      Thanks Ryan 😇

      I'm documenting everything carefully 🤓🧪

  29. 2

    Incredible effort and hustle from from your side man, keep it up ! 🙌

    1. 1

      Thanks Suvojit 🤩

      The hustle doesn't stop until I have 3.19K MRR.... and then it doesn't stop either 🤣

      1. 2

        It's a marathon... that never ends

  30. 2

    Cool to read the backstory behind Birdy!

    Congratulations on the launch, mate 👌😊

    1. 1

      Thanks Manjhunath 😎

      I wouldn't call this a launch though (maybe a soft launch 😆)

      I appreciate it 🙏

  31. 2

    This is a cool idea. I think Twitter holds a lot of potential, and creators like us can take advantage of it.

    1. 2

      Thank you Kamban 😊 I think the idea is pretty good too 😆

      Now I have to see what other people think 😇

      Cheers 🍻

  32. 2

    Congrats 🥳. I keep watching you 👀 since microbreakboss. Birdy can have a huge impact to big brand / account.

    Keep building 💪

    1. 1

      Oh wow, that's amazing that you're following me since Microbreak Boss 😍

      More ups and downs to come, that is for sure 😆

      Thank you, I appreciate it 😊💜

  33. 2

    I love this tool! Why? Because it's completely different from other Twitter tools. You focused on something that no one else tackled with before.

    I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and I am 100% sure that you'll succeed. 😁

    1. 2

      Thank you Amer, I appreciate it 😍

      Yes, I think Birdy is unique. It's almost a new genre of Twitter tools 😁. This is what you get when you are acting like a mad scientist with the Twitter API 🤣


      1. 2

        I love this: "mad scientist with the Twitter API". 🔥

        Completely agree about the new genre. I am so happy that we did the same thing with Engagement Builder.

        Mark my words, but in the next couple of months there will be tons of tools like ours, EB and Birdy, that will almost exclusively target marketing side of Twitter. 😁

        1. 1


          Brace yourself for the new wave of Twitter tools 🌊🏄‍♂️


  34. 2

    Congrats Maxime! 💫

    1. 1

      Thanks Peter 🥹

      Onwards and upwards 🚀😁

  35. 1

    Solid idea and super valuable. I love the fact that you're a fellow Montrealer too! Haha

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