I built another app with zero market research

As a strategy, just building something without any market research is not a good idea. However, I was bored/burnt out on working on the same thing every day, so I took a break to make something for fun.

Here's what I built: an iOS app to help you practice learning numbers in German.

This project took about two weeks from initial idea and mockups to App Store release. That's probably the fastest I've shipped an idea!

Regardless of what happens to this app, there are some things I'm going to take away from it and incorporate into my other app, Fresh Cards, and into future apps. In fact, one of my long-term goals is to ship new products quickly and regularly, and every project I am to do quickly feeds into that goal since it creates more code that I can re-use.

Trying to ship really fast also re-taught me some lessons that get lost in a longer project. Specifically, 1) there's a lot of administrivia and polish you always have to deal with, and 2) you always need to watch for feature creep.

Overall, working on this quick project also gave me a little bit more energy and reminded me why I'm trying to strike out on my own: I love making product.

So, if you're getting bored doing the same old thing and losing a bit of energy in the process, why not take a break and build something just for fun?

posted to Icon for group Mobile
on August 11, 2022
  1. 1

    How do you build your own app? Do you have deep knowledge in app development or do you just create an app on any online platform like kodular?

    1. 1

      I have about 10 years experience doing professional iOS development, so you could say I have deep knowledge in app development. :)

  2. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

  3. 1

    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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