I curated a list of SaaS Starter Kits (including supported languages/pricing)

I curated a list of SaaS Starter Kits (including supported languages/pricing). Creating a Google Sheets version as well.

Primarily curating these for Micro SaaS HQ subscribers.

  1. Hyper Saas
    Language: Django & React
    Pricing: $129.00 for lifetime access

  2. SupaNexTail
    Language: Next.js & Supabase
    Pricing: Free

  3. Bullet Train
    Language: Ruby on Rails
    Pricing: Free

  4. UseGravity
    Language: Node.js & React
    Pricing: $358+ with 1 year of updates

  5. Jumpstart Pro
    Language: Ruby on Rails
    Pricing: $249+ per year

  6. SaaSPegasus
    Language: Django
    Pricing: $299+ with 1 year of updates

  7. DivJoy
    Language: React
    Pricing: $199 for lifetime access

  8. Nana SaaS Starter Kit
    Language: Laravel
    Pricing: $299+ Pay once

  9. Pace
    Language: AdonisJS
    Pricing: $99+ per year (Supports Parity Purchasing Power )

  10. Go SaaS Startup Kit
    Language: Golang
    Pricing: Free

  11. Boostack
    Language: MEVN stack
    Pricing: $499 One Time

  12. SaaS Boilerplate Language: Django & React
    Pricing: $499+ One Time

  13. SaaS Forge
    Language: Python/React
    Pricing: Free/$239+

  14. Supastarter
    Language: Next.js and Supabase
    Pricing: €299 One Time

  15. Serverless SaaS
    Language: Next.js and Firebase
    Pricing: $119 per year or $199 One Time

  16. Larakits
    Language: Laravel
    Pricing: $99+ One Time

PS: If you are aware of any other, please comment here and I will add to the base table.

posted to Icon for group Bootstrapped
on February 23, 2023
  1. 5

    Some Laravel Starter kits:

    Have a nice day

    1. 1

      Thankyou. Will checkout.

  2. 3

    So sad, I don't see Nextless.js React SaaS Template being part of your list.

    PS: I'm the author of the Nextless.js ;) So, I should market Nextless.js more often 💪 Nextless.js doesn't come into your list by default 😢

    1. 2

      Oh my bad. Love the Nextless.js (The name perfectly fits too).

      I am compiling the responses as well and probably will make an updated post or update this post as I get time.

      1. 2

        Thank you for creating this post, it would help of developers and indie hackers.

        Hahah, yes, I'm totally biased, I also love the name 😂 I've created a lot of project/product, but I think it's the best name I have found among them.

        1. 1

          Naming is often the complex task :)

  3. 2

    Some open source alternatives:

    1. SaaSgear
      Language: React, Node, graphql
      Price: open source

    2. Enterprise SaaS Starter Kit (still in early development)
      Language: next.js, tailwind, postgres
      Price: open source

    3. SAAS Starter Kit (last updated +6 months ago)
      Language: React, Node
      Price: open source

  4. 2

    Very nice list. Thanks for collecting it for the community.

    1. 1

      https://makerkit.dev/ looks nice. Have you used anyone of these?

      1. 2

        Only Enterprise SaaS Starter Kit - I have made some contributions .

        1. 1

          Oh nice. Will check it out. I assume if its Enterprise, it comes with SSO and all of that Enterprise stuff. Good to know that you made contributions to this.

  5. 1

    Any with Flutter stack?

  6. 1

    Love the list. Look very good. Here is another one for Laravel:

  7. 1

    Thank you for sharing this comprehensive list of SaaS starter kits and their corresponding languages and pricing. It's great to have a resource like this for anyone looking to start their own SaaS business.

    I'm particularly interested in the free options, such as SupaNexTail and SaaS Forge, as they offer a low-risk way to experiment and test out ideas without committing to a significant financial investment.

    I appreciate your offer to add more options to the list. I don't have any specific suggestions at the moment, but I'll keep an eye out and let you know if I come across any noteworthy additions.

    Overall, this is a valuable resource for anyone interested in starting a SaaS business, and I'm sure many people will find it helpful. Thank you for putting it together and sharing it with us.

    1. 1

      Thankyou for the kind comments. Yes, will compile the full list and make it better.

  8. 1

    Thanks for this nice list!

    1. 1

      Thankyou. I am compiling all responses also into a list and will post.

  9. 1

    Thanks for sharing this good list and good tools.

    1. 1

      Thankyou. I am updating the list with the responses received. Will post the updated list.

  10. 1

    Hey there! I co-founded Volca (volca.io) that has a paid ($99) and an open source version.

    1. 1

      Noted. Will check.

  11. 1

    Thanks for sharing.

  12. 1

    Check out https://boilerplate.mixo.io/

    They are great if you're building an AI business.

    Espcially if you're using image generation, since they use Evoke in the backend

    1. 2

      Nice. Never heard of this. But looks promising. Any live examples you are aware of that are built with https://boilerplate.mixo.io/ ?

  13. 1

    Great list!

    I started building https://github.com/spy16/forge few days back for my own needs. It's still very early and not sure how the design will progress. But if anyone is interested, take a look.

    1. 1

      Sure, will check.

  14. 1

    Thanks for this nice list! I've bought Laravel Spark last year (did you leave it out on purpose?) It's a $99 deal,too.

    Fun fact: ironically, I didn't use it for www.linqmeup.com, I found using Laravel, Breeze and integrating Paddle payments and subscription on top of Laravel Cashier fast enough.

    But I've noted the Laravel kits you added, so I can review my options for future projects.

    1. 2

      Oh wait, Was just checking www.linqmeup.com, the concept is brilliant with AI. But isn't it getting tough to find the specific set of users who needs this conversion?

      1. 1

        It is tough. But there is another tool (not using AI) and some questions involving it, alongside me needing this sometimes. So i was like: make a better alternative.

        I'm working on content spreading and interacting with people on communities to gain traction. Lots of visitors, but need to find the tweaks to get people to try this/ find the people needing this.

        The tradeoffs of "a lot of competition": proven market en need, tricky to be different VS "little competition": fast found but less people looking?

        1. 2

          Yeah, I can understand. Also isn't it that people use this for one-time migration usually? Or do you think people using something like this on recurring basis to leverage their existing skills with SQL and just convert it instead of learning new skills.

          1. 2

            Migrations is something that comes into mind. I've sent out a survey to my 40+ subscribers. Unfortunately only 1 response. But that person replied with: regularly converting SQL in projects to LINQ, simple and complex queries, longer and short.

            So i think there are a couple of usecases in my target audience:

            • people who migrate projects to use LINQ
            • People who want to learn LING from SQL / use SQL to not have to learn LINQ
            • single time people

            I've already added one-time-purchase functionality for credits in the app. Going to test with that shortly (let people buy a credit to convert something.

            Learning day by day :)

            Thanks for your interest @upenv

            1. 2

              Good product. Good tech usecases.
              Rooting for you to succeed in this!!

              1. 1

                Thanks, it means a lot 🙌🏻.

    2. 2

      Thankyou. Haven't left it out on purpose. Missed it. Will add https://spark.laravel.com/ to the master list that I am compiling.

  15. 1

    Damn the timing!! thanks for sharing 🙏

  16. 1

    One more
    17. Imagen-ai.app
    The amazing image generation tool to get similar images royalty free
    Language: English
    Pricing: Free

  17. 1

    That's really cool - thanks for curating those. I was recently looking into a SaaS boilerplate that we can use @ https://simplesuite.co, but in the end decided to build one on my own.

    I am basically thinking to build a Nextjs/TailwindCSS/Firebase/MongoDB/Stripe/Google Analytics boilerplate, as these are the technologies that we use across all of our projects. Not sure if others might find it useful as well? If so, I might think about just making it public so others can use it as well.

    I am still in the process of building it, but drop me a dm if you think it would be useful to you.

    1. 1

      Sounds interesting, and I am also building my own SaaS based model but with Django/Postgres and would like to connect to know some design architecture issues related to routing/database management. Thanks.

      PS: as a new member, I could not contact you on DM.

  18. 1

    Well done!This's my website that discover Productivity Web Apps in one place,Please check it out.

  19. 1

    Great work! Have you checked out https://starter.place ? You can search for starters based on the technologies you want to use. Would be great if the authors of some of these wanted to list them there. I'll try to get all the free ones on there, but the paid ones need to be listed by the authors because payments go to them.

    1. 1

      Right. Will add to the list I am curating.

  20. 1

    Thank you for this list :)

    1. 2

      Glad it's helpful.

  21. 1

    Not a saas starter kit, but you can create your marketing site with my templates.

    1. 1

      Nice, very nice templates and colors.
      Handcrafted themes by yourself?

      1. 2

        Hey, thank you so much. Yes, 100% by myself fromo nav to footer :-)

    2. 1

      Just checked this. Some nice templates out there!!

  22. 1

    Anyone experience with Hyper Saas?

    1. 1

      No, Haven't tried it.

  23. 0

    Thanks for sharing this amazing information.

  24. -1

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    1. 0

      A business consultant is a professional who provides advice and guidance to businesses to help them improve their performance and profitability. https://do-tees.com/

  25. 1

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