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I curated a map of 100+ productivity apps (incl. screenshots/pricing/rates…)

Hey Indie hackers,👋

I did some research and curated a list of over 100 productivity apps, from digital note-taking apps to project management tools, hoping to increase your productivity.

Why did I make it?
I know I'm not the only one who is feeling overwhelmed by the never-ending to-do list and struggling to stay productive. There are a variety of productivity apps out there that can help, but finding and trying those apps can be time-consuming and exhausting. That's why I made this map, so you can find the app that best suits your needs in a few minutes.

What information is included in this map?
I categorize these productivity apps by their usage, like note-taking, calendar, project management, etc. So you can go directly to the category you need.
For each app, I summarize a general description, key features, screenshots, platforms supported, pricing, rates and reviews from G2 and Capterra for you to give a comprehensive evaluation and decide which app is the best for you.

You can have a glimpse of the map in this infographic:
Productivity Tools Market Map

Or, check out the article for detailed information of each app: https://gemoo.com/blog/best-productivity-apps.htm

Also, what's your favorite productivity tool that I didn't include? I will keep updating this map. (Next Step: add AI tools, what's your favorite?) Thanks for your ideas and want to know your feedback!

  1. 1

    Very cool roundup! I have made a similar comparison on the same topic. Only looking at the features of the best kanban software side by side.
    Hoping to make it easier when deciding which tool to choose.

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