I got 4th place Product Hunt last weekend! ~Results inside~

Hey everyone,

Last Friday I launched my project IndiePulse on Product Hunt. I've heard many mixed reviews about the platform so I wasn't sure what to expect

To my surprise, the launch went great! (4th product of the day 🎉)

Here's some stats:

  • ~400 upvotes for the day

  • ~4k landing page views for the weekend

  • ~900 free user sign ups

  • ~33 premium purchases

I'm pretty happy with these numbers since these conversion rates may be signal that I have product market fit?

I also got some residual traffic the following few days and was included in their newsletter that went out yesterday.

Overall it was definitely a busy few days leading up to the launch (manual LinkedIn outreach is king for PH) but I think it was worth the time investment

Some tips for anyone considering a Product Hunt launch:

  • Know who you are selling to

    • Product Hunt is mainly other devs, founders, marketers etc. Don't try to sell your book for new mothers here, it probably won't do well
  • Understand the game you are playing

    • Many blindly launch on PH hoping for purely organic growth and are disappointed with the results.

    • Product Hunt is a mechanism to get in front of a large number of people for a short amount of time. In order to do that successfully, you will need to manually reach out to your network and get as much support as possible so you can be visible on the front page. I wish this wasn't the way it worked but it is what it is i guess 🤷‍♂️

As for me, I think i've validated my product enough to justify some paid ads. So this week I will be experimenting with meta ads, twitter, reddit, tiktok, etc and try to find out what works best for my niche. I will report back when I have some interesting data to share!

Back to work... 🧑‍💻

on April 23, 2024
  1. 2

    Congrats man, keep it up!

  2. 2

    Cool product and some invaluable product launch tips there too

  3. 2

    Congrats on your launch Justin!

    A Successful ProductHunt launch isn't necessary hitting PMF. You need a low churn rate, with easy sells, and people recommending it to others.

    What's your goal with Indiepulse? How do you plan to grow it?

    1. 1

      thanks for the feedback! currently the app is one time purchase so looking to pivot into a saas b2b model (more of a market observability tool then side project idea directory). I'm experimenting with improving my free -> paid conversion rate by giving a bit more value up front but for short period of time. hoping that will help get it to a place where I can focus on the pivot rather then the existing product

  4. 2

    Congratulations on the launch! Thanks for sharing some tips on Product Hunt. Please keep us updated on the statistics once you've started the paid advertising campaign.

  5. 2

    Congratulations on securing 4th place on Product Hunt last weekend! That's a fantastic achievement.

  6. 2

    That's a great success. Congrats.

  7. 2

    Thank you for sharing this across. Congrats on the great launch stats

  8. 2

    Wow, congratulation for the launch! Being 4th on Product Hunt is really not that easy. Btw thanks for the tips you shared, it will help me with our launch on PH in 2 weeks for sure!

  9. 2

    Nice! Congrats on the test and allowing that data to drive whether to spend some money on ads vs. doing it outright.

  10. 2

    Congrats! Did all the upvotes come from Product Hunt, or did you send it to some friends or publish it on some forums?

    1. 2

      I have a email list I blasted out to, and a linkedin support network I reached out to. I also had a reddit post perform fairly well on the day so a bit of everything I think!

  11. 1

    Congratulations on your 4th place Product Hunt success! That's a fantastic achievement and speaks volumes about the quality of your product. Now, imagine the buzz you could generate by showcasing Disrupt Technology's crypto debit card white label loading platform on Product Hunt. With its innovative features and potential to revolutionize digital transactions, it's sure to catch the attention of tech enthusiasts and early adopters alike. As more people discover the platform and its benefits, they'll be eager to get their hands on the card, driving sales and adoption. It's not just about recognition; it's about leveraging platforms like Product Hunt to introduce game-changing solutions to the world.

  12. 1

    Congratulations on the launch!

  13. 1

    Congrats on 4th place mannn

  14. 1

    Great job on the 4th place, Justin! Your results look promising. Thanks for sharing your tips on Product Hunt and network use. Good luck with the ads, and keep us posted.

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