I have decided to stop stalling, and release a bootstrapped SaaS in a couple of hours

I have been wanting to begin my journey as a indie hacker for the longest time.

However I always found myself hacking away in my spare time, building few apps but never actually finishing any of them!

I have decided today, NO MORE.

I am going to try collect interest for an idea of a product instead of wasting time building it.

If I can get at least 1 interest from anyone, that may push me and complete this project asap.

Here's the link to it: tryzazu.com

Zazu is a marketplace where Creators and Brands can collaborate on marketing campaigns.

  1. 4

    I have literally no idea what this is by looking at the landing page.

    1. 1

      I have updated the website! Added more info to the landing page,

      I am in progress of adding a section on why choosing Zazu instead of marketing agencies, and a FAQ page

  2. 2

    You should provide more information about what Zazu is on the landing page. At the current state, there's no way I can understand what I'm signing up about.

    Best of luck!

    1. 1

      That is a valid point, I have updated the landing page, any chance you could let me know what you think of it?

  3. 2

    Looks really dope and it's a great idea!

    1. 1


      Received few signs up which is motivating, I will be working on this a little more!

  4. 1

    As @tridev and @stergosz already noted, there's no reason to sign up whatsoever. Would be much better to at least hint at what pain the product will solve.

    1. 1

      Hey I have updated the landing page!

      Could you check it out and let me know if it's clear or not what the product wants to achieve?

      1. 1

        Hi @patrykmaron, it's much clearer now. Everyone can now understand that it's a marketplace that connect's brands and influencers. Great work having added a "what's in it for me?" section both for the brand and for the influencers.

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