I left my VP Marketing position to contribute to a blockchain project full-time

Since 2019 I've been working on the side with Shardus.com.

Shardus is building software anyone can use to create their own linearly scalable blockchain so developers can focus on the application layer.

The team at Shardus is highly skilled, they have a novel approach to sharding decentralized networks and their mission to enable a decentralized world has kept me engaged.

For the most part, the Shardus project has been unknown as we've been focused on development and we haven't marketed much.

Fast forward to Q4 '21 Nischal Shetty, the CEO of India's largest cryptocurrency exchange, WazirX, reaches out.

WazirX did $54B in trading volume in '21. Nischal has founded 2 successful companies, he has 400k+ Twitter followers, and has been on the Forbes 30 Under 30 list. It was a big deal for us.

Turns out Nischal had been following along with Shardus' progress. Each quarter we live-streamed a demo displaying the development progress we'd made. https://www.youtube.com/c/Shardus

Nischal was impressed in the progress Shardus had made in demonstrating a linearly scalable decentralized network. Shardus is the only team in the world to demonstrate increasing TPS in a blockchain per each node added to the network. https://youtu.be/vJPKpJz32mY?t=218

Since then, Nischal has decided to partner with the Shardus team, and we've announced Shardeum, the world's first sharded, linearly scalable, truly decentralized smart contract platform.

I resigned from my full-time position as VP, Marketing at a healthcare organization generating $100M+ annually. Today, I'm the happiest I've been since founding a venture-backed startup from my college library.

Contributing to an open-source project has a similar feeling to what it's like to bootstrap your own side hustle. I don't have a CEO limiting my potential, I can work on whatever I feel is most important at any given time and the entire community is extremely passionate about what we're building.

Another interesting innovation is how Web3 projects should operate. Web2 Founders such as Pieter Levels have paved the way for building in public. With decentralization in mind, every piece of information about a Web3 project should be public knowledge.

At Shardeum, our code will be open-source, our team's Google Drive is viewable for the public, our founding team will openly share how much SHM is in our wallet, and we work together as a community. Everything the Shardeum Foundation knows, the community knows. Eventually, Shardeum will be governed by a DAO.

My life has changed dramatically in the last two weeks and I'm more excited than ever. If you're interested in getting involved you should join the Shardeum community @ our Discord below.


To display my commitment to Shardeum's mission I'm tweeting #DecentralizationForEveryone 1,000 days in a row. Here's my Twitter profile if you'd like to follow my journey.

posted to
on March 4, 2022
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