I’m 13. And an adult wants to hop on a call with me. I don’t. 😬


I’m Garrett. I’m a 13 year old web developer. An adult that saw one of my pieces of work wants to hop on a call with me to get to know me.

However, my parents are not comfortable with me doing that and neither am I.

How do I turn them down nicely?

Here is what they said:

Shall we have a call to know each other?

I created a fake name (Garrett Jaynes) on this indie hackers account to ask this anonymously.

But I am 13. I do not want people to know that to keep myself safe since I am a minor and my parents are not comfortable.


Thanks for your help.

posted to
on February 16, 2021
  1. 5

    Just say no, and that it's not a good time right now. Or ignore the request.

  2. 4

    Yeah, don't worry about it buddy. "Hop on a call" typically means they want to sell you something, they won't take it personally if you turn them down.

    Good that you're talking openly with your parents about that stuff and amazing that you're a 13 year old web dev.

    Good luck!

    1. 1

      Totally agree with @NextTrillionDollars. Great that you are keeping your parents in the loop, I'm sure they are too.
      But just tell the person you don't want to. If they don't understand and respect your wishes, then they are not the kind of person you would want to talk with anyway.

    2. 1

      Thanks Tommy for your help. Super helpful!

  3. 1

    I agree with @rosiesherry. Don’t feel like you have to. You don’t need to respond or hop on a call with every single person that emails you. It’s going to happen, and they will understand.

    Hope this helps.

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