I made $2,800 in 3 days drawing Notion styled avatars. AMA!

Hey everyone!

I'm Sally Wong, a freelance artist who started my journey recently.

4 days ago, I joined Twitter to share some Notion styled avatars I drew. I was really surprised when I received overwhelming requests to help people on Twitter create their personalised Notion styled avatars.

I quickly setup an order form with Tally and Notion, and the orders soon came in. Since then, I made over $2,800 and have also been contacted by several small company/ organisation to draw avatars for their whole team.

If you have any questions for me, ask right away!

posted to Icon for group AMAs
on November 4, 2021
  1. 5

    Not a question but a suggestion! You could automate it like http://cvbox.org/ and charge people for it. Then you can scale your service without putting in more hours (:

    Also, you draw way better than cvbox

  2. 1

    Congrats Sally! And thanks for using Tally 🙏🏼

    1. 1

      Thank you for your order, I'll be working on it soon but do note there's a queue.

  3. 1

    First, giant congrats. Very cool success story.

    What has been the main traffic driver? Did you already have a large following somewhere you were able to leverage?

    1. 2

      I joined Twitter and hosted a giveaway of custom Notion styled avatar in my first tweet which later went viral.

      1. 1

        Awesome. Can you say more about that? Were there some key people who helped your tweet go viral? If so, how did you get their attention?

        For example, I see @heyeaslo (15k followers) posted about your avatars on Oct 25. I assume that helped get the ball rolling?

        1. 2

          I saw that too. I guess without that it's extremely rare to go viral on twitter and generate business. The author here doesn't seem to acknowledge that.

          1. 2

            Unfortunately this looks like one of those AMAs where the author barely responds to the questions asked 😕

  4. 1

    This is awesome!
    Just curious, why do you think this particular project worked so well?

  5. 1

    I don't have any questions, but congrats, what an awesome story! Keep up the great work!🚀

  6. 1

    It looks like you're using Notion/Super/Tally to run the whole operation. Are there other tools that are critical to your success?

    I love how quickly you got this off the ground! Did you have an audience or portfolio before starting a few days ago?

  7. 1

    Hey Sally,
    How did you stand out as an Artist?
    Means how did you do social media marketing for your skills?
    Asking as I am an Artist too, and there are lots of them
    but you stands out, that's amazing!

  8. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

  9. 2

    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

    1. 1

      Thanks for your interest, you can order yours on sally.super.site

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