I made an AI platform to find sponsors for your youtube videos in minutes

It uses AI to sift through youtube to find sponsors relevant to the creators' video ideas, to help them make more money and become full-time Youtubers faster, through sponsorships and brand deals.

I initially made this for a french AI youtuber (Top 5 in France) who raised the difficulty in finding relevant sponsors.

Took a while to get myself to post. Might not be perfect, but got to start somewhere.

Appreciate any feedback.

Just published on Product Hunt:


  1. 1

    just test driving this, Google Signup is a good idea.

    The videos on the landing page were a little confusing as they look exactly like the interface, so I tried to click on them not realising it was a preview.

    Oh, and then the AI tool returned nothing for a video title of mine when including emojis.

    1. 1

      Ok, thanks for that. Much appreciated!

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