I tried to give money away and no one seems to give a flying duck

I made a post the other day - I was willing to sign-up to someone's SaaS/product for $25/month as long as they pitched me their product in the comments and no one responded. I find this absurd?


  1. 2

    Maybe we all became wannapreneurs and have nothing to offer except our ideas.

    Would you pay $25 for X?

    Also I didn't see the post as well. I usually upvoted such posts for visibility. However that's no longer the case, since I believe the popular feed highly moderated and hand-picked.

  2. 1

    IH probably hid your post from the front page. A lot of posts don't really get a chance.

  3. 1

    Wow i'm surprised too! I just responded in the original post :)

  4. 1

    This is truly weird. I check IH daily and somehow did not see that post, maybe it did not show up in most people's feeds for some reason. I do not have a ready product to pitch (we're launching April 1), but following you just in case this offer comes around again :)

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