I want to rewrite your words for free [anything, not just landing page copy]

UPDATE -> I am temporarily pausing this while I work through the submissions I have already received. Please feel free to continue to submit what you'd like me to review. This is a somewhat time-consuming process (so I can provide what I hope is actually useful feedback) so I just want to set expectations that I may have to stop at some point. Thanks to those of you who have requested feedback so far.

What I want to do for you

I want to help you by rewriting/editing anything you’ve written to make it more concise, easier to read and understand, or more closely adhere to a certain tone or style you’re going for. I am opening this up beyond the normal marketing copy or landing page rewrites. I’ll take a look at any anything you send me. Emails, documentation, team communication, IH posts you have in draft mode, even your personal notes. The only limitation as of now is that I’ll use my judgment regarding the length of what you send (i.e. probably not going to edit your entire ebook).

This is 100% free.

Why I’m doing this

I want to give back to the community and this is what I’m really good at. I’m not sure how many submissions I’ll accept but I’ll do my best to get to whoever comments in order. If you don’t wish to share any links publicly here please feel free to DM me on the tweets. @thepeffrey

posted to Icon for group Copywriting
on January 9, 2021
  1. 1

    Thank you @thepeffrey for such great initiative!

    May you will have some ideas about our features page or main page.


    Handypolls it is online poll creation tool

    Thank you!

  2. 1

    Would love to hear your thoughts: translatestack.com

  3. 1

    I would love if you have a look to this landing page, I am struggling pretty much on the heading, the first text you see.

    Static Tailwind CSS
    templates for easy integration
    with your go-to language.
    Designing your landing page usually takes weeks.
    Wickedtemplates has them ready for you so you take care of what really matters.
    Deploy stunning landing pages in no time.

    It feels too long..

    thank you so much for this!

  4. 1

    Hi Jeff, this is amazing!
    Here's my site - https://cinematicstudio.app - a video editor focused on speed + ease of use. Copywriting is definitely not my forte :)
    EDIT: I'm only interested in the main page.

  5. 1

    Hey, not sure if your still doing this.

    Thank you in advance.

  6. 1

    Hi Jeff, thanks for offering your time and energy. I’ve iterated a few times on the copy for my new product https://mymomentjournal.com (a morning journal you keep by email) but copywriting is definitely not my forte. Would welcome any suggestions you have to make the benefits clearer and more enticing. Thank you!

  7. 1

    Thanks Jeff for giving back to community!

    I just launched 24browser.com and I still haven't optimize landing page yet and hopefully you can provide valuable feedback!

  8. 1

    Damn! Your work for Fast Jam was so awesome.

    strikingdigital.com is the lead-gen SaaS and complete outbound marketing suite currently in the rebuild works. Hope to hear from you and had like to help back as well.

  9. 1

    Hey Jeff, thanks for offering this! I have struggled quite a bit to optimize the text on my landing page for ChromeExtensionKit, so I would love to hear any thoughts on parts of the landing page copy.

  10. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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