If you quit, will you be able to find a job?

Recently saw this post by Arvid Kahl and wanted to ask my fellow IHers here:

If you give up, do you think you'll be able to find a job? Do you consider yourself employable?

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    I don't get it... How will I be able to find a job if I'm dead?

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      This comment was deleted a year ago.

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    @Darko even for the people that are saying no, I think anyone who has been an Indie Hacker would be able to find a job as an insanely productive employee, it just depends whether they would want to. There would be the downfalls etc., but if it was to work to support your family, I’m sure everyone could find work no problem.

    Sometimes the want to not do something, makes it seem impossible to do so.

    Personally like @faisalkhan, i’m also a consultant so I would just focus more on that. But I hope to never have to be “employed”.

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      "insanely productive employee"

      That's the exact reason I'm unemployable or I don't want to be employed. :)

      In my last job in around 2015. I was a designer on product development department. It consist of generating different ads in different sizes for adsense. In time I improved my workflow that even the guy who uploads the ads couldn't catch up.

      In the meantime we were also working with 3rd party agencies, while I was sitting idle for 80% of the day. I offered to take those jobs, they said "we'll consider". Later I find out that agency was charging very pretty bills if you know what I mean.

      For the product development part we keep coming with new ideas, promotions etc that development team couldn't keep up. We started to came up with "no-code" solutions that were rejected. Long story short, manager of the development team take over our manager and department, gradually replaced every single person in our dept.

      So being productive is not the key in corporate culture, if you can't fit in, you can't fit in.

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    I'll prob. be able to find a job as an intermediate-level marketer because I have a lot of experience with various channels. My failed startups will be my CV :)

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    Being a generalist, its very hard to find a job

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      This comment was deleted a year ago.

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    I'd say that thinking of yourself as unemployable, even if you're entrepreneur, would be a big red flag due to 3 reasons:

    1. Your confidence is lacking and it may be a sign of bigger underlying issues you need to acknowledge and work on
    2. You secretly know you lack skills that are currently in-demand
    3. You need to widen your horizon and attain a more flexible mindset. Otherwise, you may end up kicking dead horses a little too often.
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    I won't quit my job until I'm making at least my current salary from my side projects.

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      Same here. I would have it as side project until it yield same amount of salary.
      Also I plan to employee people who can work along side me and gradually build a whole team to support

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      I find it extremely hard to even make an attempt to start selling side projects and dedicate myself to supporting the early adopters. I'm not asking for money from them but they are helping to find bugs in the product and asking for missing functionality.

      It's like a chicken and egg story!!!

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        I try to approach all my business ventures with the same mindset, and that is:

        "You don't have a business until a sale is made."

        I do the minimum prep I have to do before I can start selling, because the only thing that matters in business is sales.

        If there are no sales you don't have a business, you have a hobby.

        I would not worry about finding/fixing bugs and adding more features until you start getting sales with your most basic MVP.

        Get your very basic product ready to sell as quickly as possible. Then devote all of your time to getting sales.

        Then, after you start generating some revenue, you will know you have a valid business idea and you can devote more time to improving your product (e.g. fixing bugs and adding features).

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    I've spoken to many people for The Quit Work Podcast.

    None of the people who have gone back to work after quitting for a mini-retirement or an indie hacking venture have had any difficulty getting a job.

    I, too, have quit many times in my career, and have always been able to find another job when I need it.

    I'm really trying to burn my boats this time so that I'll have no option but to make indie hacking work!

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    When I leave a company, I usually work my hardest to make sure it's a smoother transition on my exit. If I never get an e-mail asking about my code or how something works it means I did a good job. Think that happened once when I was young from my first internship.

    I've done enough by the time I am 29 and I have now enough connections in the field where I can rely on them for work and my net is still active. If I need the money and they need a task done I can do it for a fair price ~50-100 per hour depending on the work, (front-end, back-end, devops, data pipeline stuff, tutoring). If I need a salary job I can get one for 120-160K right now as a director of informatics, or drug design . Or I can always go back to being a Teaching Assistant of organic chemistry 3-4K a month, which is what I did in my undergrad, it's 20 hours per week. Lots of grading though.

    I constantly do interviews to evaluate my worth and prepare for the future. My indie hacking has got to come to a close sometime.

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    I think I am. I'm still getting emails from recruiters. I'm an iOS dev and those seem to be in demand.

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    Yes. As an independent consultant, I've kept in touch with all my clients and contacts. I believe one should be in the business of building friendships and relationships. I've also made it known to many amongst this group, that should I need a job, I will let it be known. So to answer your question, if I quit today, and make it known to my network following, that I'm in the market for a job, I'd get one easily.

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    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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